C.O.T.V.H. (Book 1): Creation

C.O.T.V.H. (Book 1): Creation by Dustin J. Palmer Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: C.O.T.V.H. (Book 1): Creation by Dustin J. Palmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dustin J. Palmer
Tags: Urban Fantasy/Vampires
illuminating the scene before them. They sat in complete silence, Jake was too tired and too in shock to say anything.
    As the sun began to rise higher in the sky, John finally broke the silence. "Jake, you're about to see something terrible, but also . . . amazing. Something so awful that no one should ever have to know about it. But I can't hide you from it any longer," he sighed lowering his head.  "All I can tell you is that the world isn't what you think it is."
    As the sun rose higher, its rays hit the body parts lying on the road.  One by one, they burst into bright blue flames.  Jake grabbed his dad's arm, too afraid to look too amazed to look away. After thirty seconds there was nothing left but charred, smoking pieces of skeleton.  Marty White’s head was now an eyeless, blackened skull. John looked over at his son with tears in his eyes.  "I've tried to shield you from this.  I tried to take you and your mother away from it all.  But they wouldn't just leave us be.  They found us," he grew quiet again.  "Jake." he said, "There are such things as monsters."

    Chapter 3
    North US-87
    July 31, 1994 6:37am
    John pulled the old Ford back onto the highway, leaving Marty White's still smoking skeleton in the middle of the hard caliche road.
    He reached into the front pocket of his shirt and handed Jake something loosely wrapped in a blue handkerchief.  
    With his hands still shaking, Jake slowly opened it. "What is it?" he asked, staring down at two three-inch long white things that looked a lot like . . .
    "Vampire fangs," John said, as calmly as if he had just handed him a piece of candy.
    "What?!" Jake exclaimed, dropping them on the seat between his legs. 
    "Careful with those, son," John carefully wrapped them back up in the handkerchief. He flicked open the change filled ashtray and set it gently inside then snapped it closed.  "They’re still dangerous.  You won't turn, but they will make you extremely sick.”
      "Wait, what? You mean to tell me . . . that . . . that thing was a vampire ? That . . . Mr. White was a vampire ?”
    "Yes and no.” John said sadly. “Marty was a lot of things, but he wasn’t a vampire, at least not always. My guess is he was turned shortly after leaving our house."
    “ A real life vampire?  As in drinks blood, killed by crosses, turns into a bat, hates garlic? That kind of vampire?"
    “ Again, yes and no. Not all of the legends are true. For one, vampires are extremely hard to kill. No flask of holy water or clove of garlic is going to do it. Crosses? Yeah that’s a joke. You go waving a cross at one and he’s going to break it off in your . . . well let’s just say it won’t be very nice what he does with it.”
    For Jake this had just gone from strange to the edge of insanity. Vampires don’t exist. Everyone knows that. He rationalized to himself. But what else could it have been? The fangs, the claws, those eyes, my God those eyes! Jake thought, remembering the haunted look in his crimson red eyes. Those were not the eyes of a human! Then he remembered the show they’d watched earlier that night. "Like that family we saw on That's Unbelievable! The Goth looking teenagers that lived in the woods and drank animal blood!"
    John snorted a laugh.  "No. That was just a bunch of lunatics playing dress up in the woods.  Vampires can't live on anything other than human blood and they sure can't come out in the sunlight."
    "This is crazy!"  Jake exclaimed. "Wait, Dad, how do you know so much about them?"
    "I used to hunt them."
    "You used to hunt what? Vampires?”
    John let out a deep sigh.  "It's a long, long story, son.  I'll tell you about it sometime.  Right now I've got to concentrate on the task at hand."
    “ Which is what exactly?” Jake asked, realizing they were still driving in the middle of nowhere. “Where are we going?”
    “ To your Grandpa Cort’s house,” John rubbed at his temples with his thumbs. “In

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