
CougarHeat by Marisa Chenery Read Free Book Online

Book: CougarHeat by Marisa Chenery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marisa Chenery
one day take over the family business and step into the
role as head of their family group. Instead of doing father-and-son things,
he’d been instructed on the ways of running a multinational company.
    “Taylor,” his dad finally said in a
weak voice.
    “You came.”
    “Well, it wasn’t as if I was given
much choice, though I can’t help but wonder why, since I was banished.” Taylor
couldn’t keep some of the hurt and anger that hadn’t diminished over the years
out of his words.
    “Your family needs you.”
    “The day I was kicked out, I was
told I no longer had any.”
    There was no remorse in his
father’s eyes as he continued to look at him. “By the laws of our kind, there
wasn’t anything else I could have done. When you fought that werewolf and
killed him in your cougar form, you risked us all. Our secrecy is too
    “Then by those same laws, I
shouldn’t be here. Nor should I be considered the next in line for leading our
    “There was no one else. Blaise
wouldn’t take the position.”
    “I do have cousins who could have.”
    Some of the domineering father
Taylor remembered rose to the surface of his dad’s eyes. “It has always been
our line of the family who has taken that role for generations. It will remain
    Taylor had to grind his teeth to
stop himself from telling his father how he really felt about all this. His dad
hadn’t changed. He was still as highhanded as always, thinking their part of
the family tree was better than the others’.
    “What if I don’t want it? Will I be
sent away again?”
    His father pushed himself up as his
mother quickly put some pillows behind him. “You can’t refuse. You’ve been
groomed for it since the day you were old enough to understand what was expected
of you.” His dad had a coughing fit that racked his body, leaving him gasping
and weak.
    “I think that’s enough for now,”
his mom said, stepping in when things became heated between him and his dad, as
usual. “You two can continue this discussion later. Taylor needs to settle in,
and you,” she looked at her mate, “need to rest.”
    Taylor was more than happy to get
the hell out of there, but before he could turn and walk away, his dad said,
“Your banishment has been overturned. You will fulfill your family
    His temper heating, Taylor
answered, “Whatever.” Then turned and stalked out of the room.
    He made it as far as the top of the
stairs before his mother caught up with him. She grabbed his arm to stop his
forward movement. “Try not to let him upset you. He’s worried about what will
happen if he…” She shook her head. “I can’t say it, but you know what I mean.”
    Taylor looked down the hallway at
the now-closed master bedroom doors. “Aren’t you afraid he’ll hear you telling
me this?” All cougar shifters had sensitive hearing, along with sight and
    “He’s asleep. Something he does
more and more of lately.”
    He met his mom’s gaze. “I don’t
know if I can do what he wants. I’m not the same person I was back then.”
    His mother gave him a sad look and
caressed his cheek. “I know. I can tell. But you will do it, because I’m the
one asking you now. If your father does…leave us, I’ll need you. Only you know
how to run the company as well as him.”
    “You mean used to know. It has been
a few years since I’ve been involved in it.”
    “Your father has made arrangements
to have you brought up to speed. Please, Taylor, do it for me. I don’t want to
lose you again.”
    He cursed to himself. If it had
been anyone else, he would have no problem telling them no. His mom was the
only one he couldn’t refuse. She was already under enough stress with the
thought of her mate dying. She didn’t need him to add to it by walking away. No
matter how much he wanted to.
    Taylor tugged her into his arms.
“Fine. You win. I’ll stay and take on the damn position if it comes down to

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