
CougarHeat by Marisa Chenery Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: CougarHeat by Marisa Chenery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marisa Chenery
especially if you use your body to do it.”
    Taylor’s cock twitched inside his
jeans. “I can,” he said, his voice gone gruff at the surge of arousal that shot
through him as the thought of all the things he’d do to Aspen came out to play.
    “And after that, I can use you any
way I want.”
    Aspen spoke in a sultry tone that
had Taylor’s dick coming to life. Memories of their night spent in the motel
rose to the forefront of his mind. He had in no way gotten enough of her. He
ached to take her to bed and keep her there, making love to her until she
begged him to stop.
    “I’d like that,” he said, a purr
creeping into his words.
    His bedroom door banged open and
Blaise walked into the room. “Don’t mean to interrupt your phone sex, but I
can’t seem to help myself.”
    Taylor stared daggers at his
brother. He kept his gaze on Blaise as he said to Aspen, “We’ll have to
continue this conversation when I see you. A pain in my ass just walked into my
    Aspen laughed. “Your brother, I
take it. No worries. Even though we aren’t seeing each other tomorrow, you can
still call me.”
    “I will. See you soon.” Taylor
disconnected the call and glared at Blaise. “Ever heard of such a thing as
    Blaise grinned. “No. Who’s the
girl? I wouldn’t have thought you had time to start seeing someone in Anchorage
    “None of your damn business.”
    “Where did you meet her? Have you
known her for long? Are we, and most importantly me, going to be introduced to
her soon?”
    Same old Blaise—always the
smart-ass. “I repeat, it’s none of your damn business. And I won’t be
introducing her to the family. Ever.”
    The amused expression Blaise wore
slowly changed to one of confusion. “Why wouldn’t you? I’m sure we know someone
in her family group. There are only a couple more in Anchorage and the
surrounding area.”
    Taylor rubbed his face with his
hand. “Remember the saying curiosity killed the cat? You are a cat so it doubly
applies to you. And you ask too many questions. But since you won’t shut up
until I at least answer one, she isn’t part of one of those family groups you
    “She’s not? Then which one is she
part of? From the conversation I overheard you had with her, it sounded as if
she was from around here.”
    He lost some of his patience. “Damn
it, Blaise. She isn’t part of any family group.” As soon as Taylor said that
last part he knew he’d given away too much.
    Blaise’s eyes widened. “You have a
date with a human.” He said it as a statement rather than a question.
    “For the third time, it’s none of
your damn business.” Maybe if he said it enough his brother would actually
listen to him, but he doubted it.
    “We don’t date humans.”
    Taylor scowled. “Do you have any
idea how pretentious that sounds? There’s nothing wrong with humans. Being
banished, I’ve slept with my fair share of human women. There aren’t any cougar
shifter family groups in Juneau. And besides, I wouldn’t have wanted one of
their females if there was one. I lived as a human as much as I possibly
    “You do realize you’ll be expected
to find your mate now that you’ve returned and retaken your place in the
family. Dad will have a fit if he finds out you’re seeing a human female.”
    “Too bad for him. I’ll continue to
see Aspen for as long as I want. The days where he could dictate to me like
that are over. As for finding a mate, I won’t be going out of my way to search
for one.”
    Blaise met his gaze. “You’ve really
changed. And I can’t say it’s for the worse. Don’t worry, I won’t be telling
anyone about Aspen. I wouldn’t mind meeting her sometime, though.” His brother
smiled. “Maybe she has a cute friend she can introduce me to.”
    “You’d actually take a human female
out on a date?”
    “It’s something I’ve thought of for
a while now. They aren’t like our females who have the

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