Countess of Desire (The Young Ancients Erotic Moments Book 1)

Countess of Desire (The Young Ancients Erotic Moments Book 1) by P.S. Power Read Free Book Online

Book: Countess of Desire (The Young Ancients Erotic Moments Book 1) by P.S. Power Read Free Book Online
Authors: P.S. Power
walked away. There was no real reason
for him to do what he had. The rest of the people had already fled, after all.
Marvin would have fought, and perhaps a few others, but Tor could have pulled
one of his powerful weapons and easily killed them all where they stood. No one
watching would have thought that wasn't enough. Not even her Count.
    That wasn't
what he'd done however. No, he'd risked certain death, a battle no warrior
could hope to win, to save her from the clutches of those evil black eyed
    Blinking she
realized that she'd faded a bit, and not managed to get her husband away for a
meeting, like they needed to have. He was standing very close to Debbie, who
kept touching his arm gently, trying to not make it seem like they were
together. That was the polite thing to do, when you were with a lover,in front
of their spouse. Of course, most of the time when that happened, it was to
spare the poor husband or wife, who may well not have been as well liked as the
chosen partner was.
    It might have
been ego, but she really doubted that Debbie was loved more by her husband than
she was. It would be fine, of course, if it were the case, but they had a rare
relationship that way. They were actually very close. If she'd felt threatened
or hurt by Debbie getting his attention, he would have sent her away, just
because Maria asked. He'd even hinted at that.
    She wouldn't
hear of it though. The woman was very nearly her best friend anymore. They
might have been of different stations in life, Debbie being a merchant as she
was, but short of Patricia, she couldn't think of anyone that she was actually
closer to. That would probably have been even more so, if they were lovers.
    Blinking a bit,
she let a slow smile play over her lips.
    It was pretty
clear that she wasn't going to get her attentions that night, wasn't it?
    "You know,
I think we should all take a trip together. If I can entice Prince Gerent to
take us, we could all go to Harmony for a time? We haven't been in ages. Over a
year. We should make certain we keep in touch with our friends there, don't you
think?" It was sound logic, for all of them, but a bit out of the blue, as
    Plus, she
didn't exactly have Prince Gerent in her pocket. That was a mistake, of course.
The former midget had grown to good proportions, and if he wasn't comely, he
was certainly well enough aspected to pay attention to. Also a nice
person, which did mean she'd been a bit neglectful of him.
    Married now to
Petra, so family after a fashion, too. That was enough of a reason to get in
touch with him, she decided. Not that she really needed a reason for that kind
of thing. They were, more or less, friends. Really, she was on better terms
with Gerent than with her own sister in-law at the moment. That she hadn't had
sex with either of them was a reflection of that, honestly.
    Petra was
lovely, in her own way, after all. It had been the hard feelings they both
shared for so long that had prevented it from happening. At least Maria assumed
that to be the case. She'd never actually asked, or even hinted, that Petra be
anything more than what she was to her. Sure, when she'd had some troubles, a
few years past, Maria had tried to be there for her, but it hadn't been even
what she should have done for a person she barely knew, much less a family
member, had it?
internally, she tried not to let that insight show on her face. She failed
though, it was clear. Marvin put his large hand on her shoulder, and looked
    "Are you
well?" It was his way of asking if she was about to lose it, Maria knew.
In his mind it was probably all about Riven, and what he'd made her do to the
man. She loved her husband, but he sometimes tried to take on too much
responsibility for what she did. Out of love, and concern, but it could be a
bit hard to let him know that she was the guide of her own life, at times.
    Rather than
defer, which was what she'd always done on the topic in the past, she

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