Cousin's Challenge

Cousin's Challenge by Wanda E. Brunstetter Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Cousin's Challenge by Wanda E. Brunstetter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wanda E. Brunstetter
Tags: Fiction/Christian Romance
slowly with his head down.
    â€œHe wasn’t happy about coming here,” Ella said to Loraine. “In fact, he griped about it all the way from our house into town.”
    â€œI’m sure he’ll be fine once he’s numbed up and his tooth stops hurting.”
    Loraine reached over and touched Ella’s arm. “You look like something’s bothering you. Are you worried about your mamm?”
    â€œUh-huh. You know, she hasn’t been the same since Raymond died, and I don’t think it’s just emotional.” Ella’s forehead wrinkled. “I don’t want Larry or my sisters to know that I’m worried about Mama, though. No point in upsetting them, too.”
    â€œHave you talked to your daed about this?”
    â€œI’ve tried, but he’s either too busy to listen or makes light of it.” Ella groaned. “I wonder just how sick Mama will have to get before she’s willing to see the dokder.”
    â€œWould you like me to see if my mamm will speak to your mamm about seeing the doctor?” Loraine asked.
    Ella shrugged. “I doubt she’ll make any headway, but if she’s willing, then I guess it’s worth a try.”
    â€œWhen I’m done here I’ll swing by my folks’ place and ask her.”
    â€œDanki.” Ella reached for a magazine and thumbed through a couple of pages. Aunt Priscilla and Mama had always been close. If anyone could get through to Mama, it might be Aunt Priscilla.
    â€œI have a few worries of my own this morning,” Loraine said with a lingering sigh.
    Ella, feeling immediate concern, snapped the magazine closed. “What kind of worries? It’s nothing about the boppli, I hope.”
    â€œNo, everything’s going fine with my pregnancy. Wayne told me this morning that he’s worried because the taxidermy business has slowed down all of a sudden. He’s afraid if things get any worse he won’t be able to support us.” Deep wrinkles formed in Loraine’s forehead. “With a boppli on the way, it’s even more frightening to think of Wayne being without a job.”
    Ella’s fingernails dug into the armrests on her chair. “So many of our people are out of work and struggling financially. I’m beginning to wonder if things will ever turn around for us.”
    â€œIt’s very frightening,” Loraine said, “but we’ve got to keep the faith and do whatever we can to make extra money. Wayne’s good at woodworking, and he’s made a few nice pieces of furniture for our house. He’s also made some things for his folks’ new home. I suggested to him this morning that he start making more things. Maybe he can sell them to one of the local furniture stores.” She smiled, despite her obvious concerns.
    â€œIn the meantime, we just need to keep praying and trusting that God will provide for our needs.”
    â€œGuder mariye,” Andrew said when he entered Tiffany’s Restaurant in Topeka and found Wayne waiting for him at a table near the back. They’d decided to meet for breakfast before they began work for the day. Freeman would also be joining them.
    Wayne looked up at Andrew and smiled. “Mornin’. Is this table okay with you?”
    â€œSuits me just fine.” Andrew pulled out a chair and took a seat. “No sign of Freeman yet, huh?”
    â€œNope. I’m sure he’ll be along soon, though. He’d never pass up the opportunity to be in such good company as ours.”
    Andrew chuckled. “I doubt he’s coming here for our company. More than likely it’s to fill his belly with ham and eggs.”
    â€œYou’re probably right about that.” Wayne thumped his stomach a couple of times. “I hope he gets here soon, ’cause my belly’s startin’ to rumble.”
    A young English waitress came to their table. “Would you like to place

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