Cowboy Jackpot: Christmas

Cowboy Jackpot: Christmas by Randi Alexander Read Free Book Online

Book: Cowboy Jackpot: Christmas by Randi Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Randi Alexander
it's actually happening. Too fast, maybe."
    "Huh." He felt the same way. Almost as if it
wasn't real.
    She flattened her palm on his chest and rested her chin on
it, gazing into his eyes. "Huh? What does that mean?"
    "I'm considering starting my own business, too."
Maybe her goals weren't as far from his as he'd thought.
    She smiled. "In Reno?"
    He nodded. "I've got some land. Inherited from my
grandpappy on my mother's side. Grampa Boone."
    Gigi smiled. "That's nice that you're named after
    "My parents farm the land right now, but whenever I'm
ready to settle down, they're more than ready to have me take it over."
    "Are you going to farm?"
    "Nope. Dallas, Jay and me want to open a rodeo school.
We can probably get it going part-time in the off-season. If we stay on the
rodeo circuit…" He smiled. "…and keep winning, we can finance the
business until the school takes off and brings in enough to support us and a
    She lifted her head and her eyes opened wide. "What a
great idea." Her gaze shifted and her brow furrowed. "Perfect
location. The marketing and promotion would be easy because of the draw of the
casinos, and because both you and Dallas are big names in the business."
    He shook his head. Too much to think about after the major
orgasm he'd just experienced. "I don't know anything about that. I'll
probably hire that part out."
    She batted her eyelashes and grinned. "You'll never
guess what type of business I'm going to open."
    "Uh huh."
    His heart lurched. An opportunity to see her again? Reality
came down like a boulder. He couldn't get his hopes up. Couldn't risk wanting
more than these few days. He'd be busy turning the old barn into a rodeo arena,
buying livestock, and trying to get sponsors for his business. And doing all
this while making sure he didn't break his neck falling off a bull. He wouldn't
have time for a long-distance relationship.
    Rolling on top of her, he kissed her. "Something to
think about."
    Her eyes shadowed. She nodded. "I guess so."
    It felt like closing the door on the possibility of a future
with her, but it was what he needed to do to keep his focus on his goals.
"Be right back." Holding onto the condom that threatened to slip off,
he walked into the bathroom. "Holy shit, have you seen this bathtub?"
    Her footsteps sounded behind him. Her hands landed on his
hips and she kissed his back. "Feel like a bubble bath?"
    "Sure do."
    While he cleaned up, she filled the tub and poured in
crystals that weren't too girly smelling. When she bent over and swished her
hand through the water, her ass rounded. Too sexy.
    He scooped her up into his arms.
    She screeched and wrapped her arms around his neck, smiling.
"You're crazy."
    "Crazy is right." Crazy for her. And damned if
that didn't make a mess of things.
    He stepped into the bathtub, careful with his footing. He
sat with her on his lap, facing him.
    Lacing her hands behind his neck, she sighed. "Oh,
Boone. You're so strong." Her voice was a breathy tease.
    He chuckled. "You feel like a feather in my big, manly
    Running her hands over his shoulders to his biceps, she
licked her lips. "You are all man, cowboy. Almost too much for me to
    His gut lurched. "Did I hurt you?" He glanced down
to where her sweet pussy lay open to his gaze below the waterline.
    "No." She ran her fingers slowly down his chest,
past his abs, and onto his fully hard cock. "You fit just perfectly."
    Relief washed over him. He prided himself on his control,
but with Gigi, he seemed to give in to manic desire. "You're tight and
hot, baby." His cock jumped. "I could take you again right now."
    She held her breath, and her nose crinkled. "You like
feet?" A naughty smile curved her lips and sparked in her eyes.
    He tipped his head. "Uh huh. Not like a fetish or
anything, but I like your little toes and soft skin."
    Gieselle took a breath and slid back. "I have a secret
    He grinned. "Oh yeah?"
    She nodded and leaned back in the

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