dictatorial, dominant, domineering, dynamic, forceful, high-handed, high-powered, imperious, indestructible, influential, invincible, invulnerable, ironfisted, masterful, mighty, omnipotent, oppressive, overbearing, peremptory, ruling, strong, superior, supreme, totalitarian, tyrannical, unassailable, unconquerable.
As Seen by Others:
Has the upper hand (because of his wealth, position, influence, achievements, talent, knowledge, physical strength, or mental skill).
Has been challenged and has excelled.
Defies anyone or anything to restrict him.
Perhaps to amuse himself, he will suddenly use his strength in a capricious and unreasonable manner.
Uses power in a severe and suffocating way.
Sees himself as being above the law.
Won't let anyone do anything unless he sanctions it.
There is a spiritual forcefulness that radiates from him.
When ordering something to be done, he doesn't tolerate any refusal or excuse for inaction.
He can get others to take action by simply suggesting that it might be in their best interest to do so.
Others are afraid of him.
Appears to be unconquerable.
Acts as if he were a god.
Will neither allow his decisions to be debated nor endure any opposition.
If he wants something done, it gets done.
Related Traits: Defenseless, disenfranchised, dominated, inferior, insignificant, powerless, subjugated, subordinate, weak.
As Seen by Others:
Has no ability to either make things happen or to get people to act.
Few, if any, pay any attention to his requests.
His judgment is questioned and challenged.
Has no discernible means of retaliation.
Deprived of any special privilege that would help lend weight to his decisions.
Totally at the mercy of someone's beck and call.
Lacks authority because of his official classification within a group or organization.
Few, if any, pay any attention to him.
Related Traits:
Individualistic, inner-directed, nonaligned, self-governing, self-reliant, self-sufficient, self-supporting, self-sustaining, sovereign, unallied, unattached, unconstrained.
As Seen by Others:
Relies upon no one but himself to make his way in the world.
Insists on doing things his way.
Forms his own opinions without having to wait to see what someone else says on the matter.
Openly resentful of other people telling him what he must or must not do.
Unhesitant about acting on his inner-instincts.
Does not solicit advice.
Never depends on anyone else.
Related Traits: Bloodsucking, controlled, dominated, freeloading, governed, leechlike, manipulated, mooching, parasitic, regulated, restrained, restricted, sponging.
As Seen by Others:
A follower rather than a leader.
Leans upon the friendship or kindness of others.
Gets all of his ideas from other people.
He's a clinging vine.
Never acts on his own.
A puppet on a string.
Attaches himself to the good will of another, to ensure he is provided with shelter, food, and other side benefits.
What he wants to do is always the handmaiden to what he is expected to do.
When he dies, the words "May I?" should be chiseled into his gravestone.
Related Traits:
Acclaimed, accomplished, affluent, blessed, celebrated, distinguished, decorated, eminent, esteemed, famous, flourishing, flush, fortunate, glorified, honored, illustrious, important, lionized, loaded, lucky, moneyed, notable, noteworthy, preeminent, privileged, prominent, prosperous, renowned, rich, thriving, triumphant, victorious, wealthy, well-fixed, well-heeled, well-known, well-off, well-to-do.
As Seen by Others:
His social status is high as a result of his wealth, position, fame, accomplishment—and others admire him.
No one gave him anything; he got to the top through his talent and hard work, or so it seems.
There's a lot more people who know who he is than those who don't.
He's been given awards for what he has done.
Stands at the top of his profession.
Has turned good luck into a lifelong friend.
Born into money