Crown's Vengeance, The
standard Aldrich Securities office connections, though Drake would never admit it to his employees, some of whom swept this specific line for bugs daily as part of the CEO’s security plan. What he discussed on here was far more volatile than any mere financial transaction. These conversations were the product of a plan set in motion hundreds of years ago, when the seeds of Aldrich Securities were planted.
    As far as the investing public was concerned, Spencer Drake was the chairman of a respected financial institution, one of the largest investment banking and securities firms in the world. Though the current incarnation of his organization had only been established within the last thirty years, the company had been founded over two centuries ago.
    Less than a half dozen living men knew the true story of the financial giant’s birth.
    On the monitor, Nigel Stirling’s gaunt visage materialized.
    “Good afternoon, Spencer.”
    “Sir. To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?”
    Nigel had been reticent about the purpose of this conversation. Typical of the wily old codger.
    “What is the status of your purchase program?”
    Several days ago Stirling had instructed Drake to establish a set of shell corporations in the Bahamas, none of which could be traced back to Aldrich Securities. The sole purpose of these entities was to purchase oil futures in massive quantities.
    This was not the first time he had established offshore corporations. Normally these companies were used as fronts through which to funnel illicit earnings from the stock market, monies that stemmed from a mutually beneficial and highly improper relationship he had cultivated with a member of the Food and Drug Administration.
    In exchange for a monthly bribe, the FDA official informed Drake when any new drugs would be approved for use by the general public. All he had to do was purchase said company’s stock, and a few days later, when the price inevitably rose, he was that much richer.
    “Seven new entities were incorporated in the Bahamas on Monday, as per your instructions. Each company purchased one hundred fifty million barrels of futures contracts with the expectation that the price of crude will soon rise and continue to do so indefinitely.”
    Stirling’s icy gray eyes betrayed no reaction.
    “Has your activity garnered attention?”
    Both Drake and Stirling were so far removed from the day-to-day financial world that most of the normal market chatter never reached their ears.
    “One of my associates reported the uptick in oil speculation has been noted, though no one seems to know what it means.”
    “Which is to be expected, given the lack of a clear reason for such activity. Excellent work, Spencer. Continue purchasing the commodity through this week.”
    Stirling’s digital face glanced down as he opened a folder on his desk, though he remained silent for several beats.
    “Spencer, I need you to transfer one million dollars to this account number.”
    Drake hurriedly copied down the numbers written on a piece of paper that Nigel held to the camera.
    “May I ask what this money is for?”
    “Once the deposit is completed,” he continued, ignoring Drake’s question, “you will be contacted by a man with whom we have contracted a service. He will provide you with a time frame and instructions for where to deposit an additional million dollars after our agreement is consummated.”
    Spencer was lost. “Forgive my asking, sir, but time frame for what?”
    Stirling leaned toward the camera, tiny red veins on his eyes visible on-screen. “We have contracted to have the next impediment to our operation removed.”
    “That is excellent news, sir. I’ll initiate the transfer immediately.”
    Nigel leaned back in his chair, one hand manipulating a keyboard rapidly. “As to the next phase of this operation, President bin Khan is waiting for our call.”
    Seconds later the monitor went to split screen, and a snowy white beard flashed into

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