the show. Reality television or not, I'm confident the producers were looking for a wide mix of personalities to throw together.
There is no doubt in my mind that Bellamy is the vixen. Her stunning looks and somewhat cunning personality make her the perfect candidate for the job. Although I'm surprised to learn that she is a veterinarian, the way she openly flirts with the captain and the snide comments she occasionally shoots my way make me confident that she has been cast as the fiery seductress.
Her husband, Josh, is clearly Mr. All-America. I'm not at all surprised to find out that he was a basketball star in high school. He couldn't be more of an opposite from the siren that is now his wife.
All evening, I had been considering the idea that Tiffany might have been cast as the bubble-headed blonde. While I hate to stereotype anyone, she has already made several comments that make her seem like the epitome of an airhead.
When one of our waiters tells the old joke, "Did you hear the one about the guy who told his server that his soup tasted funny?" He waits for us to shake our heads before dropping the punch line, "The server asked him why he wasn't laughing then."
Groans and light chuckles emit from around the table. Tiffany, however, bursts out with her high-pitched, gregarious laugh. Once that dies down, she says, "I don't get it," which makes us all erupt with real laughter. I feel bad for laughing at her expense, but the blank stare she gives us before joining in with a chuckle of her own tells me we haven't hurt her feelings.
The only one who rolls his eyes at Tiffany is her newlywed husband, Paul. If anyone in the group is somewhat bookish and nerdy, it's Paul. He is shorter than the other two grooms and has wire rimmed glasses. The look works on him and he's certainly not unattractive, but I do wonder what the producers were thinking when they placed the somewhat snooty, brainiac with the ditz of the group. Maybe they are hoping opposites attract? I'm afraid their gamble might not pay off because Tiffany and Paul seem so far to be the least compatible of the three couples.
Looking at Cam, I'm fairly certain that he is the Prince Charming of the group. He's incredibly handsome and has already proven himself to be caring, loyal, and fun. I definitely scored the best groom. I'm confident that we can conquer the horrid kissing problem, and once we do, the sparks will probably fly.
Since they chose opposites for the other two couples, it seems odd that they chose me to marry Mr. Perfect. Does that mean they think I am the Evil Queen? I smile at my wayward thought. Deciding that is silly, I wonder if I really am destined to become the internet's Sweetheart. Maybe they picked the two of us because we really are well-suited for each other. It seems like an unfair advantage towards winning the money over the other two couples, but I'm not complaining.
I catch my new hubby's eye and give him a broad grin. We've got this, I think to myself as he rewards me with a return grin that just about knocks my socks off.
Chapter 13
All too soon, dinner is over and it is time to return to our rooms. Not wanting to leave Cam just yet, I ask him if he'd like to go for a stroll on the upper decks. He quickly agrees and loops his arm through mine. The gesture is old-fashioned, sweet, and comfortable. It makes me feel safe and cared for, like we are a courting couple from the early 1900's, not a reality television duo that got married without ever having laid eyes on each other.
The cool breeze off the inky black water is more prevalent at night. I scoot closer to Cam seeking his warmth. He gallantly offers me his dinner jacket, and I gladly accept. The almost-full moon is shining brightly and reflecting on the flat calm ocean.
The entire romantic scenario would be almost perfect, were it not for the cameraman recording our every move. It is obvious that he is trying to be unobtrusive, but he is impossible not to notice. T.J.