Cumberland (Not A Dream Book 1)

Cumberland (Not A Dream Book 1) by Amey Coleman Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Cumberland (Not A Dream Book 1) by Amey Coleman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amey Coleman
are here now . I trust Mason, and you, Olivia.”
                  She looked at Mason and nodded, “I’m sorry. You are right.”
                  Mason put his hand on Olivia’s shoulder, “I won’t hurt you. I promise.”
                  Olivia smiled at him and said, “Sure.”
                  I stood there patiently, waiting for them to stop making the tension so severe in the room. Their gaze finally broke, and so did the tension. I did not know what to expect between the two of them. But, from the looks of it, I doubt it could be good. 
                  A car door slam broke the silence. Olivia and I stared at Mason. He was looking out of the window, so we joined him. I looked out of the window and saw his clone dad get out of car, and then Carolyn pulled in behind him.
                  Mason whispered, “ Stay here, both of you. ”
                  He walked out of the room. Olivia and I looked outside of the window blind again. We were able to hear Carolyn speak.
                  Carolyn said, “I gave you a life, now I have to take it away. I already killed one person, who tried to take your DNA sample public.”
                  The clone worriedly asked, “What? I didn’t-.” and then before he could finish his sentence Carolyn pulled out a knife and cut off his head.
                  The liquid onyx poured out of his body. The men, from my graduation, came out of the black jeep and picked up the dead clone body remains. They threw it in the back. Carolyn looked around and hopped in after the men and drove off.
                  Mason reentered the room, with his phone in his hand. He regrettably said, “It is true. Mr. Stone died.”
                  Olivia leaned back against the window and said, “I will try to help you. But only when I help Milly first.”
                  “I will help you Mason,” I bravely stated.  I felt chills up my spine when Mason grabbed my hand. He kissed it and said, “Thank you.”
                  I could feel my face turn red. His skin was cold, but felt nice against my nervous fever. I pulled my hand away slowly, and grinned slightly. The map was still in my bag, so I turned around to retrieve it. I unfolded the paper and laid it down on the desk.
                  Olivia looked as if a light bulb just went off above her head and said, “Hang on, let me call my dad. He may be able to help.”
                  “How?” I questioned.
                  “He used to work for the CIA before he became a principle,” she answered before placing the phone up to her ear. She turned around and then a few seconds later I heard the echo of his voicemail.
                  “I can’t get ahold of him,” she sadly explained.
                  Mason told her, “If he has any ties to Cumberland, then he may already be gone.”
                  “He can’t be gone!” She yelped.
                  We stood in silence until another car door slam caught our attention. Olivia ran to the window and grinned, “I told you! He is here!”
                  She ran outside, and then Mason and I trailed behind her. We walked outside and her Mr. Jack Hall said, “I can help you.”
                  “How did you know we needed help?” she asked.
                  He laughed, “You know where I used to work. Therefore, I keep a tracking device on your phone and truck that can also transmit audio.”
                  Olivia’s eyes bulged wide, and her face turned deep red, “Oh-.”
                  He interrupted her by saying, “Yeah… At least you know how to be safe with a guy.” He looked down and away as her face was in obvious shock and embarrassment.

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