Curves and the Rancher

Curves and the Rancher by Jenn Roseton Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Curves and the Rancher by Jenn Roseton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenn Roseton
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Western, Anthologies, Westerns, Collections & Anthologies
Springs is my home now. Even if
we weren ’ t together, I ’ d
still feel the same way. I love living here. ”
    “ Thank
God, ” he muttered, crushing her to
him. He drew back, looking deeply into her eyes. “ You ’ re
the woman of my dreams, Cassie. I was trying to be noble. ” His mouth twisted wryly. “ I didn ’ t
want you to think you were trapped here. I wanted you to love me of
your own free will, just as I love you. ”
    Joy lit her heart. “ You
love me? ” His molten brown eyes gave
her the confirmation she searched for.
    “ I
think I fell in love with you the day you spilled those eggs on my
lap. ” His finger traced a path along
her cheek. “ I don ’ t
know what I would have done if you said you wanted to spread your
wings. ” He grimaced. “ I
would have coped somehow, but I ’ d be
counting down the days until you came back. ”
    Her smile blazed with
happiness . “ I ’ m
not going anywhere. ”
    His lips seared hers,
promising love, desire and tenderness as he molded her body to his.
Cassie wanted to remainin his embrace forever.
    “ Toss
the bouquet! ” A wedding guest called
out, as Sarah and Chase stood on the porch of the Grant farmhouse.
Smiling, Sarah complied, turning around and throwing the bouquet over
her shoulder.
    Libby jockeyed for
position, jumping in the air, but barely grazing a petal with her
    Cassie instinctively put
her hands out in front of her face as the bouquet seemed to head
straight towards her.
    Cheers rang out as she
caught the bouquet. Startled, Cassie looked down at the pink and
white roses in her hands and inhaled their heady scent, before
looking across the garden at Luke. His heated gaze held a promise of
future and forever, and her heart melted with love.
    “ Why
couldn ’ t I catch the bouquet? ”
    Cassie was barely aware
of Libby beside her, mock-pouting. She bent her blond head over the
flowers and breathed deeply, before lightly punching Cassie in the
arm. “ Your turn next. ” She smiled.
    Sheriff Jake Morgan
strode toward them, and Libby whispered, “ Hurry
up and marry Luke. And make sure I catch the bouquet when you do so
it will be my-- ”
    “ Excuse
me, Cassie. ” Jake effortlessly
lifted Libby into his arms and carried her off, Libby giggling
against his broad chest as they headed toward a secluded part of the
    The last words Cassie
heard were a muffled, “ Don ’ t
forget, Cassie, ” before Libbyand
her boyfriend vanished out of sight.
year later - Aruba
    Luke carried her over the
threshold into the honeymoon suite. Cassie gasped at the gauzy
canopy bed amid the opulent décor. “ It ’ s
beautiful. ”
    “ Not
as beautiful as you. ” Heat stirred
within him at the faint blush on his bride’s face. This
beautiful woman was his - and he was never going to let her go.
    The tropical breeze
stirred the curtains at the open window. “ Put
me down, Luke. ” She smiled up at
him. “ I want to see the view. ”
    He reluctantly released
her and followed her to the balcony. People sunbathed on the white
sand, while the frothy ocean waves lapped at the shore.
    “ Mmm. ” Cassie closed her eyes and basked in the warmth of the sun. He
slipped his arms around her, cradling her against his chest. Drawing
her hair back, he placed a kiss on her neck, his body tightening with
    “ I
think you should book all our honeymoons. ” She moved her head slightly, allowing him greater access to the
sensitive spot on her neck.
    “ You
mean we ’ re going to have more than
one? ” he teased, his breath fanning
her ear.
    She shivered and placed
her hands on top of his. “ I think we
should have a honeymoon every year. ”
    His body ached at the
promise in her words. He turned her around and ravished her lips,
need sizzling his nerve-endings. The honeymoonwas going to
start right now.
    “ What
a great idea, ” he murmured thickly.
Luke picked her up and carried her to the large bed,

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