D is for Drunk

D is for Drunk by Rebecca Cantrell Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: D is for Drunk by Rebecca Cantrell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Cantrell
in Befort’s water usage,” Aidan said. “The two of them are flinging shit at each other like monkeys.”
    “Language,” Brendan said.
    She thought it was funny that Brendan, who had worked for years as a cop in Los Angeles amongst some presumably pretty foul-mouthed people, was so anti-swearing.
    “So, what’s next?” she asked.
    “I referred Mr. Grigoryan to a security specialist I know. He’ll make sure there aren’t any more gaps in the surveillance cameras, so if anyone tries anything again, we’ll have video evidence.”
    “You put poop in my pool, I put poop in your car?” Aidan ate his last ravioli. “That sounds like a great viral video. I bet Mr. Grigoryan would love it.”
    “I had a long talk with Mr. Grigoryan when I told him we were taking the case, tried to pour oil on the waters, and I’d thank you not to get him riled up again,” Brendan said.
    “Oil on the waters?” Sofia asked.
    “It’s an expression. It means to calm things down,” Brendan said.
    “Or it means you have a lake of burning water.” Aidan grinned.
    Her phone buzzed. She had a text. She left the phone in her bag. No reading texts during meetings—that was the rule. But it made her brain itch not to look at it.
    “Anyway,” Brendan leaned forward. “I’d like you two to go out to Grigoryan Vineyards, see if you can find a water leak. A leak is the best resolution we can hope for.”
    Her phone buzzed again. Another text.
    “You can look at that if you need to.” Brendan raised his hand to signal for the check. “Meeting’s over.”
    She pulled out her phone. Two texts from Emily. Two pictures of Jaxon. In the first one, he looked hot in cowboy boots, faded jeans, and a red cowboy shirt. Right next to him was a giant black horse. In the other photo he was shirtless and standing balanced on the back of a horse. He looked better out of his wetsuit. The show might be a very fun evening indeed.
    Looking forward to the show! Emily had written.
    “He looks like a porn star,” Aidan said.
    “Language,” Brendan said automatically.
    “You’re just jealous, Aidan,” Sofia said.
    “Why would I be jealous?” Aidan scoffed.
    She held up her phone so he could see the pictures again. She didn’t need to say anything else. The photos spoke for themselves.
    “Handsome man,” Brendan said.
    “He’s nice, too.” Sofia looked at Aidan. “And courteous.”
    Taylor arrived with the check and another smile for Aidan. Sofia took a Starbucks receipt out of her purse and wrote a number on the back while Aidan was watching Taylor walk back toward the hostess desk. She was going to do a good deed.
    “Excuse me,” Sofia said. “I need to powder my nose.”
    “My upholstery thanks you.” Aidan tore his eyes away from Taylor long enough to glance at Sofia.
    She pulled out the most insincere smile in her repertoire, walked casually back to the bathroom, then cut left toward the hostess desk where Taylor was rearranging the menus. Sofia stopped in front of her.
    “Yes?” Taylor asked. “Everything OK?”
    Sofia handed her the Starbucks receipt. “That’s Aidan’s number. He’s too shy to call you, so you’ll have to call him.”
    Taylor dimpled and slipped the number into her front pocket. “Thank you!”
    “My pleasure,” Sofia said. Aidan needed to lighten up, step away from his checklists, and date a real woman instead of an Internet one.


    S he took the turn at top speed. In the passenger seat, Aidan made a sound that might have been a whimper.
    “I should never have let you drive,” he said.
    “You had to feed your Tinder addiction,” she answered. When he wasn’t

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