Daddy's Home

Daddy's Home by A. K. Alexander Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Daddy's Home by A. K. Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. K. Alexander
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Thrillers, Mystery & Detective, Crime, Police Procedural
take the gamble and see what she said. “My friend sent me here. She said she’d met some really great people, and that I might like it.”
    “Really? I’m sure she was right. So, who is your friend?”
    “Shannon McKay. Do you know her?”
    The young woman looked up at her from the paperwork she’d been shuffling, apparently with the intent of looking busy. Something in her eyes—was it a look of fear, anxiety, anger, the knowledge of something bad? Holly didn’t know, but whatever it was, there was definitely something other than mere recognition.
    When she replied, her voice was far sharper than it had been only moments before. “You know, we get so many people coming through the door, and it is really hard to keep track of who everyone is. I can’t say that I know your friend. But I’m certainly glad that she recommended us. I’m sure you’ll find our service as satisfactory as she told you.”
    “Oh, I’m sure I will.”
    Shannon would have had to go through the receptionist to get an interview. Why is this woman lying? There was something far more sinister going on behind the guise of this dating service. Holly felt it in her bones. And she couldn’t help but wonder if it would lead her to Shannon and Sara’s murderer.

    William James, one of his many aliases, sat in his lavishly decorated office, all modern in black and fuchsia, behind the two-way glass that reflected the comings and goings in the waiting room. Yes, he was a voyeur. In this business, that wasn’t a bad thing. In fact, as far as he was concerned, it was a prerequisite.
    What he saw on the other side of his window today absolutely fascinated him. She was a beauty indeed, and she looked brainy too. Like a hot teacher type with the glasses and long hair. But once the glasses came off, those women were nothing less than totally doable. This one on the other side of the mirror was far more than just doable. She was gorgeous, and he would love getting a piece of her ass. But then he’d heard her mention Shannon’s name over the hidden speaker system, which he used anytime he saw something of interest and wanted to listen in.
    Why was she asking about Shannon? His radar went up. Shannon never mentioned a friend, and certainly none as radiant as this one. All Shannon ever talked about—when talking was involved, that is—was that little girl of hers.
    William liked little girls.
    Guess I better see what this one is all about . He stood, smoothed down his black v-neck, cashmere sweater over his silk gray slacks. Yes, he was a catch, but not just any woman could have him.
    Only the special ones.
    He left his office through the back entrance, as was his practice. There was never a need to tip anyone off about the two-sided glass.
    He approached the front room, breathing in deeply. Ah, her scent. What was that? Gardenia? Freesia? No, tuberose. It was definitely tuberose. Probably wears “Fracas.” Not only was she beautiful, but she also had style, a certain element of sophistication. Maybe she did know Shannon. That could be bad. Or maybe it could be good. This was going to be very interesting.
    The young woman stood as he entered. Seeing her curves hugging the tight dress made it difficult to contain his obvious arousal. But for now, he would have to do that.
    “Ms. Richards, is it?”
    “Yes.” She extended her hand. Nice, soft, but her nails weren’t long or polished. Just very plain. It didn’t fit the image. They would have to work on that.
    “Nice to meet you. Would you like to step into my office?”
    For these occasions, William used a different office than the one behind the window. There were only a few special people allowed into that world. Maybe the lovely currently following him into his more appropriate place of business would be one of the lucky few. Time would tell.
    They entered the office which was overflowing with flowers in Art Deco vases. William loved flowers. There wasn’t anything else

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