Danger In The Shadows

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Book: Danger In The Shadows by Dee Henderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dee Henderson
her last name. I’m ready to try just about anything to accomplish that.”
    He hadn’t told Jordan everything.
    Since that night, Sara had been on his mind constantly.
    At first, he had thought it would be a simple thing to find her. They worked in the same building, parked in the same garage, likely ate lunch in the same lobby restaurants. He had hoped she would want to see him again too. Crossing paths should have been simple to arrange.
    But after three weeks, Adam knew the opposite.
    She didn’t want to see him again.
    Three days after the incident, he had left a note under the windshield wiper of her car, asking her to call him. He worked on edge the entire next day waiting for her to call.
    She hadn’t called.
    That night, however, there was a small brown paper bag set on the hood of his car with a note inside.
    “One tangible thanks. That big husky of yours will love it. Sara.” It came from a specialty dog shop in Lake Forest, and as he hefted the rubber ball he had to smile. It even smelled like the inside of an old shoe. How she found out he owned a Siberian husky was not something he wanted to ponder too long.
    The next week he left another note and his business card, asking her to stop by. He would like to take her out to lunch at her convenience.
    The note, but not the business card, was tucked under his windshield wiper that same night with a simple no written beneath the invitation.
    The next day his secretary asked him point-blank what had put him in such a foul mood.
    He thought his third invitation, left with a single white-red rose, was accepted until he walked into the coffee shop on the first-floor lobby where he was to meet Sara and found the waitress wearing the rose pinned to her uniform. She told him his coffee was already paid for, but Sara was unable to stay. The message had been a polite way of saying, “I’m not coming.” There was a note on his car that night saying, “Please, no more invitations.”
    It was driving Adam crazy.
    He had never pursued when someone told him to back off. And she couldn’t have been more clear in her request, but his heart refused to leave the problem alone. It wasn’t right. He wanted to meet her, at least once, under normal circumstances. If she told him to his face to get lost, then he’d do it. His gut told him her denials were coming from sheer embarrassment over how they had met, and that they had little if anything to do with him.
    He wanted her found.
    “What would you do, Jordan?”
    “Follow her to see where she works. She parks under this tower, so that cuts the search area in half. It wouldn’t be that hard, just time consuming. Have someone in the garage wait for her car to arrive, then have him follow her.”
    “What’s Thomas doing? Can you spare him for a few days?”
    “The kid will love it. He’s been buried in law books for the past four weeks.”
    The park was deserted at two in the afternoon. Sara was grateful. The solitude allowed her to drop her guard a bit. She would never be totally comfortable in a park again—she and Kim had been playing on a set of swings when a van swerved toward them and men grabbed them.
    Security was with her now. Ben was jogging along the track that circled the park. He liked to work out. She was always in his sight, and he could inspect the woods that encircled the park without drawing attention. Dave was somewhere around too, though Sara doubted she would spot him.
    She owed Adam an apology. That bit with the rose and the coffee had not been handled tactfully at all. It had been downright insulting, now that she thought about it.
    He didn’t mean anything threatening by his actions. But after so many years of trying to stay out of someone’s sights, to suddenly have someone focused on her was not only wonderful, it was also terrifying.
    Dave didn’t know about the requests. She had managed to talk him out of changing her office location, but just barely. If he had even the suspicion that Adam

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