Danger In The Shadows

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Book: Danger In The Shadows by Dee Henderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dee Henderson
was trying to get in touch with her, her office would be relocated. She did not want to move. It had taken a lot of time to put together her studio. The regional FBI office was in the same building; a fact that made life easier on her entire security team. She didn’t want them having to live with all the hassles that came with working at two locations. She had worked at the office complex for three months without meeting Adam. There was no reason to believe she couldn’t continue to slip past him.
    And if she did see him again, what then? It bothered her that she couldn’t envision what she would say. All these invitations were making her freeze.
    Adam’s first note had been a surprise. His handwriting was strong, sharp, clear, except for his signature, which showed the result of having signed autographs for twelve years. Sara had looked repeatedly at that note during the following two days, tempted to call and yet always pulling back when it came time to dial the number.
    The invitation to lunch had come next. The fact he was so interested in seeing her again made her hesitate even more.
    She had spent a long time sitting in the rose garden behind her home that night, looking at the stars, talking to God, trying to figure out what she should do.
    She wasn’t a coward. If she were, years before she would have retreated back into her shell and pulled back entirely from life. She was a fighter. Life knocked her down, and she coped by getting up and moving on. But right now she was on ice so thin she had no idea how to step without crashing through. Guys didn’t exactly appear in her world. There were safety concerns. Background checks. Precautions to keep her out of the public eye.
    She didn’t have the option of accepting. Her position put her in the situation where nothing in her schedule happened spontaneously. To accept would open doors she simply did not want to open with Adam. She would have to trust him with an awful lot of information in order to let him into her life. She winced just imagining that initial conversation. Sometimes playing it safe was the smart and only thing she could do.
    She didn’t trust Adam’s reaction—that was the bottom line.
    At times she had to struggle to trust God, and He was perfect in all His actions. Even events like getting stuck in the elevator figured somewhere in His sovereign plan. With a few days to shake off the aftereffects of that evening, she was willing to trust that there was some good purpose behind the event.
    It was interesting, reading her own faith journey as captured in her journal. Fear was a nasty problem to overcome. She thought she had made progress, then got hit with another challenge. And she found she wasn’t on quite as solid ground as she’d thought. It wasn’t a battle she could win once and get past. She longed for the day when she could face a crisis without the panic winning.
    She had to live with life as it was. Security. A very real threat sat waiting in the shadows. Her faith sometimes met the challenge and sometimes did not.
    Her decision for today wasn’t that difficult. Adam might want to have lunch. There was no likely reason he would want to see her again after that. Taking so many risks for a single meal was a bad idea. The best strategy was to simply keep the door firmly closed.
    There had been a brief glimmer of hope in the last week. News of the packing tape discovery had come at a vulnerable time. After all these years, she was careful to take news for what it was, not to go beyond the actual information.
    This time, the hope had been in full bloom before she could stop it. Dave had burst that bubble last night. The tape had been a general lot number shipped to twenty-two states. She had wanted the freedom to answer one of Adam’s requests without having the baggage of her past hanging over her head. It wasn’t to be.
    She needed to apologize to Adam for that rose. Avoid him, but apologize.
    “No gray sedan license BI 691. She

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