Danny Orlis Goes to School
ledge, and one was on his way down to where Joe and Glen were lying, huddled closely together. He examined Joe hurriedly and directed the others to come down to where they were and help move him. It seemed hours until they finally brought him up to the trail.
    The trip over the mountain to the road was a nightmare Danny never wanted to live through again. His feet and legs ached, and the lump of ice still lay in the pit of his stomach. The wind was driving the cold deeply into his bones. But they made it, and it wasn't long until they were at the hospital with the injured boy.
    Before Danny and Glen quite realized what was happening, both the boys were whisked into one of the doctor's offices and examined thoroughly.
    "Staying up in the hills on a night like this is enough to give you pneumonia and shock," the doctor said kindly. "We'll put you to bed here tonight where we can watch you."
    "I'll be back in the morning to see you guys," the trooper said as he got ready to go, his voice grown suddenly harsh.
    While Glen and Danny stared after him as he stalked out of the room, a nurse wheeled Larry into the ward and helped him get into bed. His face was white and drawn, and his lips were trembling uncertainly.
    As soon as she left the room, Larry half rose up on his elbow and stared into Danny's eyes. "Clarence is out there!" he whispered hoarsely. "He's come to get me and take me away!"

    â€œ You boys really gave us a rough time.”

Chapter Thirteen
    S OMETIME later Danny Orlis propped up on one elbow and turned over to look toward his cousin who was lying in the bed next to him. Danny couldn't see him very well, but he could hear his deep, unnatural breathing. The nurse had given Larry a hypo, and he was still asleep.
    Danny shuddered involuntarily. The worst of it, he realized for the first time, was that it was his fault. He had been the only Christian close to Larry to try to win him to Christ. Oh, he had talked with him a couple of times, had asked him to go to Sunday school, had even prayed for him now and then. But he hadn't really, seriously tried to win Larry for Christ. If he had, his cousin wouldn't be in the trouble he was in now, and perhaps Joe wouldn't be lying up there fighting for his life.
    The young woodsman rolled over on his stomach and, burying his head in his pillow, began to pray, asking God to forgive him for not trying harder to win Larry to Him. He was still praying when he finally drifted off to sleep. The next morning when he awoke, Larry was already awake, tossing restlessly in bed.
    "Hi," Danny said cheerfully.
    Larry turned toward him and sat up. "They're coming back to question me, Danny," he said, his voice sounding dull and far away. "They're going to send me to the reform school."
    Danny turned toward the window so his cousin couldn't see his face, and Glen picked up the Bible that was lying on the stand beside his bed and began to thumb the pages.
    Finally a nurse came in.
    "How's Joe?" Danny asked quickly.
    A shadow crossed her face. "He regained consciousness for a few minutes a little while ago," she said. With that she cranked up the heads of their beds. "After a wash, the girl will be along with your breakfast."
    By the time the boys finished eating, Clarence, the county sheriff, and the state trooper came into the room. Larry looked up at them quickly and turned away.
    "We want to find out what happened last night," the sheriff said gently. "And we want to know how you came to be up on the mountain in the first place."
    Slowly Danny and Glen told the officers what had happened. Larry lay there listening, but he did not speak. Danny saw that he was twisting one corner of the sheet into a tight little knot and was biting his lip.
    "If it hadn't been for Larry knowing how to work the radio in the wrecked plane, we wouldn't have been able to let anyone know where we were," Danny said hopefully.
    "If it hadn't been for Larry," Clarence replied, "you wouldn't

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