DARK SOULS (Dark Souls Series)

DARK SOULS (Dark Souls Series) by Ketley Allison Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: DARK SOULS (Dark Souls Series) by Ketley Allison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ketley Allison
descended the stairs. “Making sure I didn’t cut myself when I fell.”
    “Dude, I don’t know who this Rob is, but I seriously think he spiked your drink,” Macy said. “We need to get you to the hospital so they can run some tests, figure out what it is.”
    “No, really Macy, I’m fine. Really. Nothing was put in my drink. You know I haven’t been feeling well lately, I probably just fainted due to low sugar or something.”
    “That’s ridonkulous. You don’t walk yourself into a construction zone on top of a house just to go faint. You’re going to the hospital.”
    I grounded to a halt, grabbing Macy’s arm and turning her to face me and locking my eyes with hers.
    “Hey! Ems, are you trying to kill me? I can barely get down these steps on my own. Stupid steps.”
    An eerie tranquility settled over me, and I felt the heat again, though not as intensely. Just a gentle trace, gliding and flowing underneath my skin like a calm, warm river coursing through my veins. “Macy, no. I’m not going to the hospital. Just forget about it. ”
    I watched as Macy’s face slackened, her eyes shuttering as if half-asleep. Her arm relaxed in my grip.
    “Okay,” Macy said strangely. “You’re not going to the hospital.”
    I looked at her a while longer, suddenly confused. It was impossible to convince Macy to ever do the opposite of what she wanted; yet somehow, she relented. I looked closer, and saw under the dim light of the stairwell that her pupils had completely dilated and taken over her irises.
    A memory triggered inside me, and I gasped, stepping back and nearly falling onto the stairs behind me. Macy blinked, and as soon as her eyes opened again, she was back to normal, though the worry line between her brows that she had sported ever since she found me on the roof was now gone. 
    “Why are we just standing here?” she asked, grabbing hold of me again. “Let’s get you home to bed.”
    I was too confused to say anything else. I just let her lead me through the house, ignoring everyone as she weaved us between the crowds.
    “Hey, you guys aren’t leaving, are you?” I heard Nick say above the crowd. “I just cracked open a fresh bottle of tequila! I wanna see you eat the worm, Em!”
    “She’s not for you!”
    I made another grab for Macy as she whipped around, preventing her from stalking over to Nick and doing god knows what.
    “Okay Mace, okay. Let’s go. Let’s get a cab,” I whispered once we exited the house, my thoughts scattering like frantic butterflies in my brain. “I can’t handle the subway right now.”
    Macy nodded, thoughts of Nick already long forgotten. “Good plan, but it’s gonna be balls to find one around here. Then again, I see you don’t have shoes.” She stumbled down the stairs of the brownstone but caught herself on the railing, her steps a little wobbly as she descended.
    “So, did you have fun at the party?” she asked without looking back. She was too busy focusing on getting down the stairs in one piece. “Too much…vodka shots…or wait, whiskey shots. Whiskey-vodka shots,” she said, turning the words into a song only she could enjoy.
    I stopped midway down the stairs, my hand clenching hard around the banister as my mind finally computed what her question was. “What?”
    “Well, I lost track of you for a while there,” she said, turning around to face me once she reached the small gate that led to the sidewalk. She leaned on it heavily, causing the wrought iron to screech under her weight as it opened. “Sorry. I spotted Asher and just had to introduce myself. You know, he is a really nice guy. Seriously nice. You have to meet him! He’s a sexy, tattooed…” She threw her hands into the air, nearly toppling onto the street. “Masterpiece!”
    Now it was my turn to sport a worry line between my brows. Was this because she was drunk? Was she only forgetting time because of vodka, or did I do something? What could I have done to her? My bare

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