stunned by the impact, the beast loses control and hits the ground with a sickening crunch.
Turn to 215 .
Cearmaine provides you with a fresh horse from the Canatarium's stables, and then he escorts you personally to the city's north gate.
‘Good luck and godspeed, Grand Master,’ he says. ‘May we meet again one day — but in happier circumstances.’
Under cover of darkness you ride due north towards the border with Eldenora, less than eight miles distant. The hilly terrain and your natural camouflage skills enable you to evade the enemy's lookouts and pass into their territory unseen. At first the going is easy and you cover many miles despite the undulating ground, but shortly before dawn you find yourself descending from the hills towards an expanse of marsh and reed beds. You try to avoid this bog and make a wide detour to the east, but before long you are brought to a halt at the edge of a steep ravine.
Both ways ahead now look impossible on horseback, but you are loathe to abandon your mount. You decide to turn back, yet you have gone no more than half a mile when your Kai senses alert you to danger. In the distance you see a regiment of Eldenoran cavalry on the move; you count more than a hundred riders. Rather than risk running foul of them, you reluctantly abandon your horse and return again to the edge of the ravine.
If you wish to attempt to cross the ravine, turn to 186 .
If you decide to try to cross the bog, turn to 217 .
You erect a psychic shield to protect your mind from Roark's assault, and you successfully deflect his attack. But as his ghastly apparition gallops past, it stirs in its wake a whirling maelstrom that is filled with rocks, broken glass, and other city debris. This whirlwind assails you physically and knocks you to the ground.
Ghost of Roark: COMBAT SKILL 48 ENDURANCE 30
You conduct this combat in the normal way. If you possess a Jewelled Mace, you may add +3 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this fight. While attacking the ghost of Roark using your psychic Kai abilities, you must defend yourself from the injurious effects of the debris-storm. Only by defeating Roark's ghost in combat will you cause the maelstrom to cease.
If you win the combat, turn to 146 .
You leave the monastery under cover of darkness and set off towards the northwest, into the foothills the Durncrag Mountains. Soon you pick up the trail that leads to Raven's Eyrie and you follow it for a mile to where it crosses a mountain stream. Mist oozes from the peaty soil, breathing a damp film on the surrounding rocks.
You continue beyond the mist-enshrouded stream until you reach a rocky spur of granite called Eagle's Claw. Here you detect a low humming sound and your pulse quickens; you sense you are getting closer to the Shadow Gate. This resonant hum steadily increases in volume the nearer you get to Raven's Eyrie. Then, as you come to within a few hundred yards of the peak, you catch your first glimpse of the Shadow Gate. It is an awe-inspiring sight.
It appears like a black, semicircular cave mouth that seems to hover motionless in the air. Crackling snakes of electrical energy surround its edges, and the air before it writhes and shimmers like a desert mirage. You reach into the pocket of your tunic and remove the Sun-crystal, weighing it carefully in your hand so that you will be ready to throw it accurately when the time comes.
The electrical fire that borders the Shadow Gate suddenly flares and gives off hissing sparks which climb like fireworks into the night sky. Moments later, a trio of Lavas emerge from its total darkness and soar into the air. Judging by their direction of flight, you determine that they are going to reinforce the enemy line which keeps King Ulnar's armies at bay.
You are too far from the Shadow Gate to hurl the Sun-crystal and so, with caution, you begin to inch your way nearer to your goal.
If you possess Grand Pathsmanship and Telegnosis, turn