feared doing so. Oh, nothing would happen to Arkhip. She was too
valuable a scientist. But secretaries are worth a ruble a dozen.
Someone no doubt would see the display of affection and report it
to the major.
He would put two and two together and conclude that
at least two under his authority had greater loyalty to each other
than they did toward Father Stalin and Mother Russia. Then his
thought processes would begin to turn just as they did in the
millions of party members who ran the USSR, each of them a
miniature Stalin: Traitors who had hugged one another! But how
great was their treachery? If Stalin had ordered the assassination
of Trotsky while he was in exile in Mexico, then no enemy of the
state can be allowed to remain free. Ferreting out traitors took
the skill of the NKVD. Let them purge the less than loyal workers
of our marvelous Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Now that the
war is over surely there are enough bullets to spare for use on our
own people once again. Such a shame! Why would anyone question our
great all-knowing leader as Marx’s vision of a world ruled by
communism comes to fruition? Just look at how much our influence
has spread now that WW II has ended. Oh, it was touch and go there
toward the end. That crazy General George Patton wanted to battle
us after he took care of Hitler’s Wehrmacht, SS, and all those dumb
countries allied with him and his doomed from the beginning Third
Reich. But as usual, our fourth column saved the day for us, the
useful idiots scattered throughout the Americas, Europe, and Asia
who act as apologists for communism. Now there are our real
comrades, toiling day by day in the newspapers, magazines, and on
radio, at the universities and colleges, and every level of
government, marching ever forward to deliver their countries over
to us as well. Take your time dear useful idiots, it’s no hurry. We
have our hands full. How do we love the Allies? Let us count the
ways. They gave us half of Germany, and all of Poland,
Czechoslovakia, Romania, Hungary, Yugoslavia…the list goes on. How
fortunate that we cut the deal for them while FDR was still alive.
That gruff-looking Truman might not have been so generous. Wasn’t
he so very willing to use the atomic bomb on civilians? That’s
enough to scare us to ramp up our research for our own arsenal of
atomic weapons. It was Kant and Nietzsche and all those wonderful
German theologians telling the unwashed masses that “God is dead”
over and over until they finally believed it. Now if Hitler had
just been content to make the Fatherland Germany’s God, he could
have won, or at least still be fighting on instead of just a pile
of burned bones after his followers burned him outside the bunker.
But what does the Dumkopf do instead? He revives the paganism of
Germany from long ago. Maybe he liked what Jung says about people
being inherently religious – that you can take the people out of
the religion but not the religion out of the people? Maybe Herr
Hitler thought that if his pagan ancestors could defeat the Romans
he could do the same by having his hordes of Huns swear allegiance
to him instead of the Fatherland? Religion? The opiate of the
masses as Brother Marx put it. Why is it that almost thirty years
after our glorious revolution to overthrow the Czar that some still
cling to their God and their Bible? Oh, well. Czar Nicholas’ wife
had Rasputin the mad monk so is it any wonder that some still cling
to Jesus Christ instead of our centralized socialist state that
dictates every part of daily life and death? Who knows? Perhaps a
stay in Siberia will bring such fools to their senses.
Arkhip caught her train promptly at 8:30 that
evening. She knew better than to tarry. The major probably had
ordered at least one man to watch and see whether she did. Perhaps
another would follow her home to make sure she did not disembark
the train before her prescribed destination. Then a third would
monitor her visit just to
Patrick Swayze, Lisa Niemi
Andy Duncan and Ellen Klages