Dead & Alive (Book 1): Survive

Dead & Alive (Book 1): Survive by I.J. Smith Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Dead & Alive (Book 1): Survive by I.J. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: I.J. Smith
Tags: Zombies
floor, “LOOK AT ME!” he shouted. Clare raised her head slowly, she was crying. Clint looked at her and slapped her hard across the face Clare and she hit the ground.
    Bray started to run at Clint, “You bastard,” he sounded out.
    Before Bray could get to him, another figure hit him in the face with the butt of his gun.
    “Stupid... stupid... stupid, never interfere in a family dispute boy,” Clint laughed.
    The man who hit Bray stood over him. “I don’t know where you come from and really I do not care, but this is our city,” Clint told the team, “and these two little mice are my property,” he continued.
    The man standing over Bray spoke, “Boss, there is a fresh one here,” pointing at Elle.
    “HAHA, Peter, Julian you guys have first go,” Clint laughed.
    “You two on your knees,” Clint told Frank and Josh.
    They both knelt down. “Tell you what, you can watch before we kill you,” Clint told them. Joe was helping his sister, who was still on the floor.
    Peter and Julian grabbed Elle, “Hello, my beauty, you’re going to be nice to us right,” they asked, while laughing.
    Elle knew what they were planning; she also knew she was not going without a fight. Elle smiled and stepped towards them. Elle placed her hands on Peter’s chest, “Are you first?” she asked him.
    “Damn, right I am,” he smiled back.
    Elle smiled and threw her head into his face, blood exploded.
    “Fucking bitch,” Peter shouted and punched Elle in the jaw, she fell back landing on the ground.
    Clint laughed aloud. “I’m going to teach this bitch a lesson,” Peter shouted.
    He started to lean down, he was about to grab her when he heard a pop, he looked up to Julian, who turned his head to reveal a hole in his face. A bullet had hit him straight in the eye. Peter started to turn Clint when another pop sounded out, this time hitting Clint on the side of the head. Clint dropped to the ground.
    Peter started to raise his gun; he turned just in time to see a large figure appear from the shadows. He tried to raise his gun, but the figure was on him fast. Punching him in the throat, Peter stumbled back, dropping his gun.
    “JACK!” Elle shouted out excited.
    Jack continued to move forward on Peter. Peter dropped to his knee and raised his arms in surrender. Jack had no interest in surrender and kicked Peter in the face. As Peter lay there, holding his bleeding face Jack stopped. Frank and Josh were back to their feet. Bray had gone over to the kids to make sure Clare was OK.
    Elle was still on the ground. Jack reached out to Elle, “Come on,” he said while helping her to her feet, she got up and hugged him.
    Frank approached Peter; he was starting to get back to his knees. Peter raised his hands.
    Frank looked at him, “Never touch my friends,” Frank told him. Frank took out his sidearm and shot Peter in the head. The others all turned to look at Frank in shock.

    Clare was bleeding from her lip; Bray was comforting her and Joe. Frank still stood over Peter’s dead body. Josh was checking the bodies of Clint and Julian, taking their weapons. Jack was checking on Elle, the side of her face was already starting to bruise. Jack stroked his hand across her face, being careful not to hurt her.
    “I’m fine,” she told him, looking him in the eyes.
    “I should have got here quicker,” he replied.
    Elle just smiled at him and took his hand. They looked into each other’s eyes when they heard groaning.
    “Jack, we need to move,” Bray told him.
    Jack noticed more zombies starting to appear, “Josh go and help Elle,” Jack told him. Josh rushed over and helped Elle. Jack looked over to Frank; he was still standing over Peter’s body. Looking over to the museum, he could see it was the only option for them to get off the streets. “Over there, get inside,” Jack told the team.
    They started to move, Frank still had not moved, Jack rushed over to him. “Frank, come on,” Jack

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