
DefeatedbyLove by Samantha Kane Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: DefeatedbyLove by Samantha Kane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Kane
well-known fact.”
    “Pardon me,” Daniel said drily. “I meant a woman in
    Daniel’s newest paramour squeaked at that description and
leaned around Simon to frown at Daniel.
    “Well, you are,” Daniel said defensively. “Simon, get out of
the way. Sit down. Or better yet, leave.”
    Simon turned to see Daniel wearily lowering himself into a
chair at the table. No sooner had his trim behind hit the seat than a knock at
the door preceded the arrival of a new set of steaming dishware. Daniel smiled.
“Ah, Cook,” he said with more affection than Simon had ever heard in his voice
when referring to anyone else. Matheson fixed a plate for him and set it down
while Simon and Christy stood there awkwardly. At least it was awkward for
Simon. He knew Daniel was going to whine about Simon pouncing on his newest
toy, but really, a woman? He’d never thought to see the like with Daniel. And a
pregnant one at that. Trust Daniel to discover some new sexual fascination to
replace his fancy boys.
    “I take it you two have met,” Daniel said with a good deal
of sarcasm.
    “Actually,” Christy said, drawing out the word, “not
    Daniel set down the fork he’d just picked up. “Not really?
What exactly does that mean?” He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his
nose as if he had a headache.
    Simon was really enjoying this more than he ought to. Daniel
annoyed was so amusing. “It means I know her name is Christy. And she’s a
delightful kisser. Oh, and likes steak. Other than that, she’s a mystery. So do
the honors.”
    Daniel glared at Christy and she shrugged with a helpless
sort of guilty look, like a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar. “I
couldn’t help it,” she said glumly. “I was hungry. And lonely.”
    “I should think you’d have learned your lesson about that by
now,” Daniel said with a pointed look at her stomach. Christy blushed.
    “Here now,” Simon reprimanded. He guided Christy to a chair.
“None of that. It was my fault. I took her by surprise. But she was lonely,
down here all by herself. Couldn’t you even be bothered to rise with her? Your
morning-after manners are sadly lacking.”
    “Morning after what?” Daniel asked incredulously. “After
rescuing her from would-be kidnappers and foolishly offering her protection
until her husband returns?”
    Simon’s stomach dropped to his feet. “What?” He grabbed the
back of a chair with an unsteady hand and lowered himself onto it.
    “Mrs. Christine Ashbury, may I introduce my cloddish
acquaintance, Mr. Simon Gantry.”
    “Yes, he did introduce himself,” she said. “How do you do?”
    “How do you—” He sat frozen in shock for a moment.
    “Mmm,” Daniel said. “Now you see my dilemma.”
    “That Ashbury?” he asked in disbelief.
    “Do try to keep up, Simon,” Daniel said with a sigh. “The
very same.”
    “Now you see why I didn’t introduce myself,” Christy—Mrs.
Ashbury—said. Simon cringed.
    “Good God, I’m a cad,” he said in genuine distress. “I had
no idea. I thought—” Again he froze, this time in horror at what he’d almost
    “I thought as much,” Daniel said wryly. “Really? Me?” He
shook his head. “The whole world has gone mad.”
    Simon looked around then, dreading the arrival of Daniel’s
old lover, Christy’s husband. This was going to get very, very uncomfortable.
“Where is he?”
    “Somewhere in America last I heard,” Daniel said. Christy
nodded with a sigh.
    Simon looked at her stomach and then back at Daniel. “For
how long?”
    “He’s been there for nine years.” Daniel rolled his eyes.
    “I…see,” Simon said politely. “And Mrs. Ashbury is here
    She covered her face with her hands. “This is mortally
embarrassing. How many people do we have to tell?”
    “Considering that moments ago you were clinging to him like
limp seaweed,” Daniel commented, “I’d think you wouldn’t mind if Simon

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