Defend and Betray
have to ask Alexandra, because I cannot tell you,” he said with a bland and totally uncommunicative smile.
    “Don't be absurd! Of course you can.” Her large blue eyes were hard. “You are her solicitor; you must be aware of everything there is.”
    “Certainly I am aware of it.” Peverell set down his cup and looked at her more directly. “But for precisely that reason I cannot discuss her affairs with anyone else.”
    “He was my son, Peverell. Have you forgotten that?”
    “Every man is someone's son, Mama-in-law,” he said gently. “That does not invalidate his right to privacy, nor his widow's.”
    Felicia's face was white. Randolph retreated farther back into his chair, as if he had not heard. Damaris sat motionless. Edith watched them all.
    But Peverell was not disconcerted. He had obviously foreseen both the question and his answer to it. Her reaction could not have surprised him.
    “I am sure Alexandra will discuss with you everything that is of family concern,” he went on as if nothing had happened.
    “It is all of family concern, Peverell!” Felicia said with a tight, hard voice. “The police are involved. Ridiculous as that seems, someone in that wretched house killed Thad-deus. I assume it was Maxim Furnival. I never cared for him. I always thought he lacked self-control, in a finer sense. He paid far too much attention to Alexandra, and she had not the sense to discourage him! I sometimes thought he imagined himself in love with her—whatever that may mean to such a man.”
    “I never saw him do anything undignified or hasty,” Damaris said quickly. “He was merely fond of her.”
    “Be quiet, Damaris,” her mother ordered. “You do not know what you are talking about. I am referring to his nature, not his acts—until now, of course.”
    “We don't know that he has done anything now,” Edith joined in reasonably.
    “He married that Warburton woman; that was a lapse of taste and judgment if ever I saw one,” Felicia snapped. “ Emotional, uncontrolled.”
    “Louisa?” Edith asked, looking at Damaris, who nodded.
    “Well?” Felicia turned to Peverell. “What are the police doing? When are they going to arrest him?”
    “I have no idea.”
    Before she could respond the door opened and the butler came in looking extremely grave and not a little embarrassed, and carrying a note on a silver tray. He presented it not to Randolph but to Felicia. Possibly Randolph's eyesight was no longer good.
    “Miss Alexandra's footman brought it, ma'am,” he said very quietly.
    “Indeed.” She picked it up without speaking and read it through. The very last trace of color fled from her skin, leaving her rigid and waxy pale.
    “There will be no reply,” she said huskily. “You may go.”
    “Yes ma'am.” He departed obediently, closing the door behind him.
    “The police have arrested Alexandra for the murder of Thaddeus,” Felicia said with a level, icily controlled voice, as soon as he was gone. “Apparently she has confessed.”
    Damaris started to say something and choked on her words. Immediately Peverell put his hand over hers and held it hard.
    Randolph stared uncomprehendingly, his eyes wide.
    “No!” Edith protested. “That's—that's impossible! Not Alex!”
    Felicia rose to her feet. “There is no purpose in denying it, Edith. Apparently it is so. She has admitted it.” She squared her shoulders. “Peverell, we would be obliged if you would take care of the matter. It seems she has taken leave of her senses, and in a fit of madness become homicidal. Perhaps it can be dealt with privately, since she does not contest the issue.”
    Her voice gained confidence. “She can be put away in a suitable asylum. We shall have Cassian here, naturally, poor child. I shall fetch him myself. I imagine that will have to be done tonight. He cannot remain in that house without family.” She reached for the bell, then turned to Hester. “Miss Latterly, you have been privy to our family

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