Defying the Sheikh

Defying the Sheikh by Michelle Hughes Read Free Book Online

Book: Defying the Sheikh by Michelle Hughes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Hughes
her hands she tried to calm her erratic breathing, not sure what his next move would be.
    Armon fought for control, his body stiff as he stared seeing nothing. He had never allowed his restraint to falter, but he had nearly taken his young bride in a way that would have hurt her physically and mentally. He was not a cruel man, and prided himself on gaining what he desired by intelligence, not domination. For long moments he considered his actions with disgust, before turning back to her, fully in control once more.
    He noted the fear in her eyes and how her body shrank back from him and felt disgust. "Forgive me," he spoke harshly, not liking admitting he had wronged her or being one accustomed to apologizing. She remained quiet, and for once he wished she would shout at him, her silence proving that he had overstepped even his own boundaries. "Rest, Michaela I will not touch you this night," he doubted his own self-control and would not allow himself to harm her until he knew his desire could be reined in.
    She wanted to believe he was offering her a respite, but there was so much anger in his gaze that she feared him. It was readily apparent that he could do with her as he wished after the way things had progressed this evening. Never in her life had she felt so completely unsure of herself. Not wishing to anger him further, she turned over to her side and faced the wall. The tension filled her body as she worried at any moment he would demand more.
    Armon stood and extinguished the candles in the room. He considered walking on deck but rethought his decision. He was not a man to walk away from his mistakes, and he felt tonight he had committed a grave wrong. He knew that a female required a gentle initiation into the sensual world, his own deceased father had taught him the lesson early in his manhood. While a woman was made for his pleasure, he also believed that when trained correctly they would be more willing to give freely of their bodies.
    Sliding back into bed he forced his mind away from the temptation that lay only scant inches away. The girl was headstrong and willful, but he knew it was only a matter of time before she surrendered to him. Had she been raised in his country, she would have known what was expected from her he thought, and for that reason alone he would grant her a little more leeway. There was much she needed to learn about his customs, and her training would begin in the morning.
    Michaela remained huddled up miserably on her side of the bed, her thoughts ravaged with the strange conflicts of his behavior tonight. She had felt things with him this eve that shocked her before fear had consumed her. Had anyone told her it was possible to feel such things, she would have called them out as a liar. His lips pressed against hers had made her want things she could not comprehend, as did the touch of his fingers grazing her breast. She knew defying him would be much harder than she previously had thought. Her rest was troubled with strange dreams of being wrapped in his arms as she finally succumbed.

    5 Storms
    The sweet aroma of food woke Michaela and she lifted up on her elbows to see her husband studying a book while enjoying his coffee. The sight tugged at her heart for reasons unbeknown to her. She quietly observed the expressions on his handsome face as he lost himself in the text, and could only wonder what had captured his attention.
    Feeling eyes upon him, he turned his gaze to his bride and attempted a smile. "The coffee is becoming cool," his words were pleasant. He had much of the morning to consider how he would move forward and from her love of books, he hoped to gain some mutual understanding. "There is much I would share with you." He lifted the book he was holding in temptation.
    Sliding from the bed, she arranged the long robe before joining him at the table. It was hard to resist his lure, as her mind was curious already. She watched his strong

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