Demon Gate: Beyond the 9th Circle: The Rapture Was Just The Beginning.

Demon Gate: Beyond the 9th Circle: The Rapture Was Just The Beginning. by Joel Heath Read Free Book Online

Book: Demon Gate: Beyond the 9th Circle: The Rapture Was Just The Beginning. by Joel Heath Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joel Heath
and turned the wheel so
hard he was afraid the car would roll. The car
swung around, hitting the queen with the rear of
his GTO leaving a hefty dent in the car’s left
side. Spencer took the P-90 from Gretchen, got
out and finished the clip, but the queen just
wouldn’t die. Spencer reached inside his car and
while the queen was stunned. He tossed the
empty weapon back to Gretchen. Spencer was
apprehensive about using one of their weapons
but it was either that or die so he popped the
trunk and grabbed the sword.
By the time he unsheathed the blade this
new queen had recovered enough to defend
herself with her own blade. She swung wildly
causing Spencer to duck and dodge each attack,
occasionally having to parry the queen’s attacks
with the dark sword. One such parry left Spencer
wide open for an unseen foot that came out of
nowhere and knocked him to the ground. The
queen raised her sword high for the finishing
blow when the sound of a P-90’s rapid firing
mechanism ripped through the air accompanied
by dozens of rounds.
Spencer got back to his feet, charging
after the queen who was writhing on the ground
and took a final cut. The queen’s head fell to the
ground. Her lifeless body hung on another couple
of seconds before joining the head. The sound of
thousands of demons realizing their queen had
been killed rang through the streets.
“I think it’s time to go,” Spencer said,
putting the sword into the back seat before he got
in and sped away. The sound of the shrieking
demons echoed through the once heavily
populated city that would forever more be a ghost
town. Spencer turned onto Elm Street and
pressed the gas pedal, accelerating toward the
riverfront where Elm turned into Commerce
Street and connected back up to I-30 and headed
west. Spencer’s speedometer was reading ninety
miles per hour, but it wasn’t fast enough. He
didn’t want to stop until he could no longer see
Dallas in the rearview mirror, and he just kept
driving until long after the sun vanished beyond
the western horizon.
It was several hours before they stopped
near Tesco, which was nothing more than a
power plant on County Road 131, just off of I-20.
There wasn’t much in the way of foliage, but
they did the best they could do in going about
and hiding the car from sight.
“We’d better get some sleep while we
can; I want to get to the safe zone before
sundown tomorrow,” Spencer urged.
“Where did you learn how do that?”
Gretchen asked.
“Do what?”
“You were pretty good with the sword,”
Gretchen commented.
“I think you mean lucky. She almost
killed me.” Spencer began, and then explained
his experience. “My uncle and I were close. He
knew a lot about fighting, knives, swords, guns.
You name it he taught me…or tried to anyway.”
    “My father taught me the same before he
died. My real father did anyway. My biological
father was killed when I was twelve; I was sent
America to live with a friend of his.”
    “Where are you from?” Spencer
“I was born and raised in Belfast,
Northern Ireland. So, where are we going?”
Gretchen asked, changing the subject.
“According to Louis and Lester the safe
zone is in a town in Arizona called Prescott.
We’ll head there first thing in the morning.”
“What if…” Gretchen stopped herself;
she didn’t want to think about the possibility.
“What if the safe zone isn’t safe?”
Spencer asked. “I guess I’ll head for Vegas,
there’s a military base near there. We might be
able to hold out for a couple weeks. Get some
Gretchen soon fell asleep. Spencer looked
at Gretchen, and he didn’t realize it but he was
smiling. It was crazy, he couldn’t be developing
feelings for Gretchen, she was rather young – or
could he? Society had all but collapsed, did the
laws that society was governed by still apply? He
decided to try to get some sleep.
It was early in the morning. Light had just
begun to appear in the east; the sun was rising.
Spencer awoke to hear

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