turned on? Angry, maybe -- but the whole capture-bondage scenario had always intrigued her.
“Don’t even think about it,” she growled, her narrowed eyes flicking from one to the other.
Both looked incredibly determined and her heart skipped a beat as Keenas bent to place a soft kiss just below her ear. She bit down on her lip to keep the strangled cry from escaping her suddenly dry throat.
“I can assure you, sweet, that we can make you come without ever entering your body.
In fact,” Keenas purred, his breath brushing seductively against her neck, “we won’t even have to take your clothes off.”
She shook her head in denial, bucking her hips in earnest. Unfortunately, the movement only put more pressure against her pussy and she whimpered as Keenas pressed back, sending tingles along her spine.
“I bet you’re wild in bed,” Keenas whispered. “I bet you like it passionate and hot.
Steamy and dirty. Don’t you, Rhianna?”
She shook her head, not trusting herself to speak. She couldn’t do this -- couldn’t let them see that they were getting to her.
Keenas shifted above her as Jorel bent and suckled her nipple through the material of her shirt. She cried out, them clamped her mouth tightly closed. Her hands strained against Keenas’s hold as he began to grind against her clit in slow, sensual thrusts that made her want to buck against him. She drew in a deep breath and inhaled their musky scent mingled with her own scent of arousal. Big mistake, she thought with a groan. Even their scent made her body hum with growing need. Being bound only seemed to intensify the desire.
“Let me up,” she groaned just as Keenas pressed harder against her throbbing nub. Her juices coated the inside of her pants and slid down between the cheeks of her ass, betraying her body’s need for the two of them.
Jorel rose up and softly whispered in her other ear. “Not yet, beautiful. Not till we show you that you were meant for us. Meant to be pleasured by us.” Jorel’s hand slid inside her shirt, gently cupping her breast. His hot palm seared her flesh, making her whimper and squirm. Keenas moaned and kept thrusting against her, giving his hips an intriguing twist as he pressed upward, and shards of pleasure ripped through her limbs.
With an impatient tug, Jorel ripped her shirt open, making her gasp in surprise. Cool air washed across her exposed breasts for only a second before Jorel lowered his head to capture a hard nipple between his lips. Shaking her head, she tried to deny what they already knew. She was so close now. So hot. So ready to lose herself in the bliss they promised.
“Imagine it, Rhianna,” Keenas murmured. “Imagine the three of us intertwined. Both Jorel and I filling you with our cocks, fucking you mindless.” She again shook her head in a dismal attempt to deny it.
“I bet your pussy is tight and hot…so wet and ready to be filled by my cock.” Oh, God, it was. Her channel pulsed and throbbed with the need to feel his thick cock stretching her, filling her to the womb. Jorel’s mouth moved from one breast to the other, licking the hardened nubs with long, sensual strokes of his tongue. She imagined that same sensitive stroke against her clit and her hips jerked upward in reflex.
Keenas moaned in response and moved his free hand beneath her hip, seating her more firmly against his bulge. She could hardly breathe now as her body rose ever higher, ever closer to that wave of ecstasy.
Keenas increased his thrusts, pressing more firmly against her. She moaned, arching her back and pushing her breasts farther into Jorel’s mouth. He groaned and slid his hand lower to undo the buttons of her pants. His fingers crept inside and she whimpered, desperate for the feel of his hand cupping her mound -- his fingers gently fucking her pussy.
“You’re so hot,” Jorel murmured around a mouthful of nipple.
Keenas shifted lower, pressing his cock right at her opening and she