DEVIL MAY CRY.doc by Unknown Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: DEVIL MAY CRY.doc by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
her hand so that she could clean the wounds. Her kindness made no sense to
    him whatsoever given her genetic makeup. Not to mention, he wasn't used to anyone helping him for any
    reason. Everyone he'd ever known had turned their backs on him and left him to suffer.
    People weren't kind and he knew it. Not unless the act of kindness could benefit them in some
    "Why are you helping me?"
    She gave him a withering glare. "Who said I'm helping you?"
    He arched a brow at her as he looked pointedly at her hand that was wiping away his blood.
    She cleared her throat before she answered. "I don't like to see people get screwed over, okay?"
    "And why don't I believe that? Oh wait, I know. Because you're the daughter of the biggest bitch
    who has ever lived. One who makes her entire life an event of screwing over anyone she comes into con
    tact with."
    "Would you stop saying that?" Kat said from between clenched teeth.
    Like that would ever stop him. "She is a bitch."
    "Not that, the other part. And actually you better stop saying both or I'm going to tend this wound
    with a salt poultice."
    "Why? Aren't you proud of Mommy dearest?"
    Kat's green eyes met his and they were smoldering. "I love my mother with everything inside me
    and I would kill or die to protect her. That's why you need to stop talking like that about her because I
    will kill you."
    Sin paused as a frightening thought went through him. If Katra was Artemis's daughter...
    He could remember Artemis pulling him toward her bed as his head was fuzzy from drink. She'd
    torn his shirt from him and then thrown him down on her mattress.
    Artemis was supposed to be a virgin...
    An awful feeling went through him. "Oh shit, you're my daughter, aren't you?"
    Kat screwed her face up as if that was the most repugnant thought she could imagine. "Don't flatter
    yourself. Your genes could never have created me."
    Yeah, right. She was beautiful and tall—taller than Artemis, which could easily have come from
    him. Her skin was a darker hue... His stomach shrank in trepidation. "Then who's your father if it's not
    "That's hardly any of your business."
    "It is me, isn't it?"
    She rolled her eyes at him before she knitted his wounds closed with her fingers. "Men and their
    egos. Trust me. My mother wouldn't have you in her bed even if you were dipped in chocolate-coated
    Oh, now that really offended him. "Excuse me? I'll have you know I happen to be damn good in
    bed. My skills are unsurpassed. I wasn't just a god of the moon. I was the Sumerian god of fertility. You
    know what that means, don't you?"
    "You have a lot of penis envy over the other fertility gods?"
    He shoved her hands off him, then started to get up only to wince and fall back.
    "Don't worry. I won't tell the other gods about your small penis problem."
    She appalled him. "You are your mother's daughter."
    "And I told you to stop saying that."
    "Because no one's supposed to know about me."
    He scoffed at the anger in her tone. "What are they? Blind? You look just like her."
    "No, I don't. I look mostly like my father. I only have my mother's eyes. How you guessed it is
    beyond me."
    There was no surprise there, either. "You have the same voice."
    Kat pulled back and frowned. "Do I?"
    "Yes. The accents are different, but the tone of it isn't. You sound just like her."
    Kat pushed herself to her feet and moved away from him, disturbed by his disclosure. He was
    highly perceptive. Something most men weren't. Then again, people in general weren't normally that
    perceptive, and it made her wonder if anyone else had ever picked up on the similarities in her and
    Artemis's voices. If they had, they'd been smart enough to keep it to themselves.
    "Thanks for the help," Sin said, indicating his mended chest before he repaired his shirt with his
    powers. Then he tried to leave her house by flashing out only to learn that he couldn't. "What the...?"
    Kat shrugged at his angry glare. "You have to stay

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