Deviled!: Lake Erie Mysteries Book 2

Deviled!: Lake Erie Mysteries Book 2 by Maureen K. Howard Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Deviled!: Lake Erie Mysteries Book 2 by Maureen K. Howard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maureen K. Howard
Gabriel entered.
    “Well, this is a bit more intimate than I had foreseen.” Gabriel pulled up a chair and sat on the opposite side of the table facing us. “To be honest, I’m not surprised. I guess word got out about the theater makeup demonstration. It’s supposed to be pretty entertaining this year.”
    June leaned halfway across the table toward Gabriel. “I don’t see how we could complain about getting your undivided personal attention. It’s their loss, right guys?” She was addressing us, but never took her eyes off our instructor.
    Gabriel held June’s gaze, and I started to feel like I was intruding on an intimate moment, until I heard the ding of an incoming text message from the pocket of her tan skirt. She reached under the table to retrieve her phone and sneak a peek at the screen. The spell was broken, and June’s cheeks were now blooming sweetheart-rose red. I couldn’t see around Eddie, and he was stretching his neck over her shoulder trying hard to get a look himself. I would just have to wait until we were alone to ask her about it, but I had a suspicion Jack Morgan had something to do with her high color. Geez, she was going to need to whip out her notebook soon to keep track of all the handsome men she was flirting with. Between the dreamy detective from Kelleys Island, and the rich, handsome business mogul, she had better be careful. I felt no jealousy toward my friend, though. My hubby was all I needed or wanted, even after more than twenty years of marriage, and it didn’t hurt that he was still in great shape and looked a lot like George Clooney.
    “So what are we going to do today? Are we building a set? Is there going to be time to get a snack? Do we need a pen and paper? Is there going to be a group project?” Eddie Sneed was starting to remind me of a naughty puppy that needed a swift dose of discipline.
    Gabriel cleared his throat, trying to conceal a groan. June’s reflexes kicked in. She slapped her hand over Eddie’s mouth to shut him up, and I lowered my forehead to the cherrywood table, contemplating banging it a few times. And that is when Detective Reed walked into the room.
    “Excuse me. I hope I’m not interrupting something too important. Are you acting out some sort of scene?” She stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. “I can wait a minute if you want to finish up. This looks interesting.”
    Gabriel regained his composure first. “Hello again, Detective. We were actually just getting acquainted. What can we do for you?”
    “I need to speak with Francesca and June, separately, for a few minutes, if you can spare them.”
    “Of course. Anything we can do to help out.”
    My guilty conscience was trying to rear its ugly head again as Gabriel offered me up to the detective like a sacrificial lamb.
    “Ms. Egge, shall we go into the hall to speak?”
    I didn’t feel like I had a choice, so I got up and followed her into the empty hallway. As the detective pulled the door closed behind us, I could hear Eddie start in on another round of rapid-fire questions. I was almost relieved to be leaving the room. Almost.
    Reed stood with her back to the door and her arms crossed over her chest, presenting an intimidating figure despite her petite proportions. I was left trying to figure out what to do with my hands and whether or not I should make eye contact.
    “May I call you Francie? I need to ask you a few questions.”
    “Yes, of course, that’s fine, but I don’t have any idea what I could possibly contribute to your investigation.”
    “Where were you during the storm and power outage?”
    Nothing like getting right to the point , I thought. I took a deep breath and relayed the details of the previous evening. “I was with June. We got caught in the rain between the marina and the hotel. The power went out just before we entered the lobby, so we took the stairs. Something was blocking the door to the stairwell.” As I retold the story, I

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