Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja (a hilarious adventure for children ages 9-12)

Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja (a hilarious adventure for children ages 9-12) by Marcus Emerson, Sal Hunter, Noah Child Read Free Book Online

Book: Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja (a hilarious adventure for children ages 9-12) by Marcus Emerson, Sal Hunter, Noah Child Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marcus Emerson, Sal Hunter, Noah Child
glanced through the windows of the front office. “Not sure yet.”

    The front office was separated
by a large counter that was as high as my neck . Behind the counter were
several desks with adults that stared blankly at their computer monitors. One
of the adults was the secretary. I think she stayed in the office the entire
day so I’m at sea about how Wyatt ever stole the money in the first place. Like
I said before, he must’ve been good .
    “There are three people working at their desks,” said Brayden . “I think if I make enough noise and run down the
hallway, they’ll probably chase me.”
    I shook my head. “That won’t work. Only one of them
will chase after you, if even that . More than likely, they’ll page the
security guard to come after you. We have to think of something else.”
    And then came a familiar voice from behind us. “You could
drop the bag off as I instructed you to.”
    I could tell it was Wyatt. When I turned around, he was
standing there with his arms at his sides, wearing a scowl across his face. Outside
of his ninja outfit, he looked like any other short kid in the school. Average.
    Behind him were several other students I didn’t recognize,
but from how they were standing, it was clear that it was the rest of the clan.

    “I can’t do that,” I said as I pulled Zoe’s backpack tighter
on my shoulders.
    “You don’t really have a choice, do you?” Wyatt asked with
an ugly smirk.
    “Oh, but I think I do,” I replied. “You see , I’m the one with the bag and the money. Not you.”
    Wyatt chuckled, as did the rest of the clan behind him.
“You’re only delaying the inevitable. This can go down in two ways – you
can dump the bag in the office, telling them what I told you to say, or you can
get caught out here with a backpack full of three grand. Pretty sure they won’t
believe any story you tell them about me. After all, I’m just an average
Joe at this school. I barely have any friends, right?”
    The ninja leader was right. If I choose one path, then Zoe gets busted. If I wait too long, a teacher will eventually come along, and then I’ll get busted. That’d be a great way to start a new school, huh? Get
caught stealing money from hungry kids. Either way, Wyatt wins.
    I had to do something to upset his plan and flip it over on
him. I thought frantically about what to do, but couldn’t think of anything to
save my life. I looked at Brayden , hoping he would
have a suggestion, but he only shrugged his shoulders.
    “You’re running out of time, Chase,” Wyatt sneered.
    “Chase?” said a girl’s voice. When I looked over, I saw Zoe
walking with her friends. Of course they’d show up at this exact moment.
Isn’t that my luck?

    “Hey, Zoe,” I said, staring at the floor.
    “Why do you have my backpack?” she asked, growing visibly
upset. “Oh I get it, you were probably instructed to steal my stuff too,
weren’t you?”
    Emily spoke up this time. “ Too ? Did your cousin steal
my purse?”
    I could feel my face getting hotter at the embarrassment. I
was about to answer before Zoe spoke again. “Yes, as a matter of fact, he did .”
    “Not without a special someone’s help,” Wyatt laughed.
    Zoe turned around, and did what should’ve been done right
after the incident. “Emily, I’m sorry, but I helped my cousin take your purse
during gym class yesterday.”
    Emily’s jaw dropped for a moment in pure shock. The hallway
was so quiet that I swear I heard a cricket somewhere, dying of
quietness. “But why?”
    My cousin paused. “Because I was stupid. I thought helping
Chase would get him some friends. I mean, look at him and how pathetic he is!”
    “Thanks,” I murmured.
    Zoe sighed. “Whatever was in your purse, I promise I’ll
return to you. Honestly, I will. I’m just so sorry that it even happened.”
    Emily finally closed her mouth and gulped. And then the most
awesome thing happened. She smiled. “It’s okay. No big

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