Dirty Love (Fighting Dirty Series Book 1)

Dirty Love (Fighting Dirty Series Book 1) by Glenna Mayanrd Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Dirty Love (Fighting Dirty Series Book 1) by Glenna Mayanrd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Glenna Mayanrd
door of the apartment. There aren’t any keys on the kitchen counter but my own.  I didn’t see Kline’s truck in the lot either. Good it appears that I will be able to bathe and go to sleep.
    “ What the serious fuck Brandi!” I awake to the ranting of one very pissed off bother.
    “It’s too early for this shit Kline, go away.” I roll over and face the opposite direction from where he is standing. I don’t even have to look at him to know that he is standing by my bed with his fist clinched, and his mouth curled up in a snarl.
    “When were you planning to tell me you were back with Royce, fucking Royce King? What in the hell are you thinking? Are you really going to marry that tool?”
    I pop up and stare at him with wide eyes.
    “What? I bumped into him yesterday. And A you have no right to judge me when you jump anytime Charlie cries. And B I don’t know what in the hell you are talking about. Married… me to Royce.? Are you crazy?”
    “I don’t know what to think.” He throws his hands up in the air with frustration. “Royce came up to me in the gym, and started rambling on about how he wanted us to squash our beef because he was going to be my brother one day.”
    “Can we not do this right now Kline. I’m tired and I need coffee? I don’t know what’s got into Royce. He asked me to give him a chance and I told him I would think about it. That’s it. And thanks for blowing off my best friend and leaving me to deal with the fall out.”
    I have so many text messages from Tiff asking where Kline is and whey he isn’t returning her calls.
    His face pales at the mention of her name.
    He doesn’t want to argue about Tiffany. On that note Kline gives in and leaves me to fall back asleep, and dream about all of my troubles.

    Chapter 4
    It’s been days without a word from Parker Garrett. I did get a confirmation email from his secretary about my cage girl job I will make my debut at the title fight though. So at least he hasn’t fired me, yet. I guess I was right about Parker, he got what he wanted and that’s that. Except I can’t stop thinking about him, and the wild sex we had. I have never felt anything like that in my life. 
    Then there’s Royce, he has been making an effort. He has texted and called me every morning when I wake, and every night after I get off work.
    Take today’s text for instance it reads.
    Royce: The thought of all those men getting to see you dressed in a bikini looking so sexy while I have to concentrate on winning my fight kills me. I don’t want them seeing my girl in barely nothing or dreaming of you, but I realize that I this is an amazing opportunity for you. Besides if any man touches you I will rip his fingers from his hands
    Ps I love you.
    How can I ignore that? I feel like my heart and my head are having an internal tug of war over what I want vs. what I need.  I know Royce can make me happy and like I said Parker is nothing other than a man whore. But so was Royce while we were apart. I told him about my spot with Lucky 7, he said we will see what my contract states about us dating, but he doesn’t care if its prohibited. I was his before I signed. What he doesn’t know is that I slept with Parker. I know I should probably tell him, but now that Parker is blowing me off, does it even mater?
    Me: Pick me up at 4, the fight starts at 5:30. I figure you can treat me to dinner before it starts. xx
    Royce: You won’t regret this Brandi. I’m going to make you happy just you wait and see.
    “You still coming to my fight?” Kline takes up the seat across from me on the other end of the sofa.
    “I’ll be there after my date.” I smirk and toss a throw pillow his way. “Speaking of dates, what’s up with you and Tiffany?” Kline gives me his annoyed face. I know what that means, he’s over it. And see, that is why I can’t worry about Parker, he is like Kline. They get one thing and then they move on to the next.
    “I don’t know. She

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