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Book: Discovered by Kim Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kim Black
been promoted to Sous-Chef and he will need an assistant. Those of you who are interested should let him know as soon as possible as he will be the one to pick his assistant.
    Best of Luck to you all!
    There was no doubt in my mind that Thomas would use his new found power to make all of the line cooks kiss his butt, but he had another thing coming. After the weekend I’d had, I was in no mood to deal with Thomas, job be damned. I made up my mind that when I arrived at work later, I would let it be known that I wanted nothing to do with the man or that stupid assistant position.
    I had two hours to get to work so I took the opportunity to relax a little after I took my shower. I poured myself some coffee and leisurely read the newspaper, something I hardly ever did. I was three pages in when a full page article captured my attention. No freaking way!
    There was a picture of Julien and I entering his mansion with the caption, ‘Belmont shags American – wife away on business!’ I was completely mortified. How in the world did a reporter get this picture? It really didn’t show my face thankfully but the thought that someone had been there that night watching us was definitely disconcerting. Totally creepy!
    I skimmed the article and realized that not only was the reporter at the house, they had followed us from the bar all the way to his home, describing me as a ‘unknown plain American,’ which crushed me. Even the world saw that I didn’t belong with Julien, not that I was planning on being with him anyway but still, I was just a plain, normal girl, nothing special.
    As I balled up the newspape r, I heard a knock on the door.
    “Just a minute,” I yelled out as I placed my mug into the sink and tied my open robe close d, almost sure that it was Suzie at the door coming to check on me.
    I opened the door , but froze the minute I saw the person behind it. What the…?
    “Emily? I know you don’t know me but my name is Charlette Delacroix and I’m a friend of Julien’s,” the woman said as I stood there staring at her, trying to figure out if I was still dreaming.
    “Um… yeah… I… um… what are you doing here?” I stuttered, still holding the door. I didn’t mean to sound rude, but the sight of her, with that French snobby accent, made my hairs stand on end. It was silly that I found Julien’s accent so incredibly sexy and yet Charlette’s accent grated on my nerves, but her being perfect in every other way made me feel better about my hating her. At least she had one flaw.
    “May I come in?” she asked, seemingl y unsure of how I would respond but still managing to stand tall and confident.
    I opened the door wider and stepped aside, signaling for her to enter. What was Julien’s wife doing here… in my house… did she find out about last night? This can’t be good!
    She walked in and I immediately went to the bar. “Would you like something to drink?” I asked, knowing that whatever she had to say required that I have some kind of liquid courage in me, especially after the weekend I’d had. Crap, it’s only eight in the morning; she must think I’m a drunk… I shook the thought out of my head, deciding that I didn’t care what she thought because there was no way that I would be able to have any conversation with her completely sober.
    She declined and I poured myself a stiff scotch and gestured for her to take a seat, while I sat down opposite her at the kitchen table.
    “I know we have not been formally introduced, but Julien told me what happened and I…” she said before I cut her off.
    “Listen , I had no idea the man was married. Had I known, I would have never… well you know,” I murmured before taking a long pull of my drink.
    My mind was racing. Was she here to curse me out or find out more details about her cheating boob-job of a husband? How the heck did she even know where I lived? Note to self, check Google and make sure my address isn’t on there. I instantly

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