Divine Deception: The Will Traveller Chronicals

Divine Deception: The Will Traveller Chronicals by Robert James Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Divine Deception: The Will Traveller Chronicals by Robert James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert James
Tags: metaphysical fiction, reality shifting, metaphysical adventure
trusted friend” I looked across the small assemblage “You all do”
The two stirred beside me, I felt my younger Sister tense up,
little black weapon still in her hand “It is come the time for all
of us to leave this place, as equals!” I told them strongly “It is
true there is but one God, but no mere human can represent Him. The
Creator lives within each and every human being” I continued
telling the now very nervous little crowd of youngsters gathered
    Peter was annoyed
rather than angry at my words, he seemed to want to interrupt but
couldn’t. However, I could sense the white hot anger in Margaret
and I noticed she was easing back, quite possibly so that she could
fire her little laser ray gun at me without warning. At the very
last moment, Peter saw what Margaret intended to do and, in
desperation, he leapt in between us.
    “Margaret No! Uh”
He cried out, but he was too late! She had already fired it. The
thin red beam seared a surprisingly large, perfectly circular,
bloodless hole through Lord Peter. Then, it hit me and bounced off,
crushing several stones in the supporting pillar where Margaret had
fired from. She was shocked at what she’d done to her Brother Peter
and had not done to me!
    Margaret didn’t
notice the tower of masonry that came crashing down on her until it
was way too late. Peter seemed quite un-distressed, watching his
kid sister get broken into bloody pieces, by a ton or two of
masonry, even the gaping black, still smoking hole in his stomach
seemed little more than a nuisance
    “Well all this
trying to do good Robert” He said, sounding a little winded “See
what it gets you” He coughed and flecks of blood appeared around
his mouth “Now you’ll have to get out, and take them, else he’ll
kill them all” Peter said, staggering forward to the broad marble
rail. “Zoran, you know the West Pass?” He Gasped. The old man
nodded. Leaning heavily against the railing, his life rapidly
draining away quickly, Lord Peter made an effort to do something
good himself.
    He gave Zoran and
the two oldest men in my household staff, directions on how to get
at and take one of the big T.T.V’s, the current operational pass
words, and the compass directions for Centropolis, Alpine Grand and
Oasis City.
    “Don’t know the
rest but your ops-code will get them for you from anyone of those
three” The mortally wounded man gasped “Go now, while no-one
suspects any….” Lord Peter slid slowly to the ground dead. Whether
he sought to save the rest of his Supreme Family or me and my
people I will never know, but it was certainly a whole new ball
game now. I had Zoran send two girls up to Susan, to grab what
clothing they could, while she was getting herself dressed.
    I then instructed
six of the men to get supplies and six of the girls, including
Rachael and our other bath mate, to come with me, along with the
toughest four men that we had. With them, I was going to hatch a
plan to get rid of our four guards. Hopefully, without having to
harm them. The lights in the darkened courtyard out front of Red
House flicked softly into life, casting a magical scenario of
sculptures and shadows. Music began to softly emanate from the mini
castle’s huge front doors, when they swung open. The four young
Supreme House Guardsmen all stood up, stretched and moved around a
little, so they could get a better look. And it was a look worth
having too! Rachael and her equally uninhibited team of very pretty
young girls, danced slowly out the doors and around the
    Beyond a
fluttering scarf or a large feather, the six girls wore not a
stitch to hide their lissom and well endowed bodies. The girls
danced in ever smaller circles, moving faster as the music’s tempo
increased. As they did, the four guards, believing themselves to be
unobserved, moved ever closer, till they were right at the edge of
the concrete and marble forecourt. Zoran flashed a light from the
door and, instantly, the

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