Divinity: Transcendence: Book Two (The Divinity Saga)

Divinity: Transcendence: Book Two (The Divinity Saga) by Susan Reid Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Divinity: Transcendence: Book Two (The Divinity Saga) by Susan Reid Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Reid
trays to the table to join the others.
    “Journals? I have to write journals? Are you sure this isn’t high school or college?” I asked.
    She laughed. “We all have to do it, so consider it another necessity. Sean will tell you all of that when he meets with you. He’s one of our advisors by the way. If you’re interested in learning any language, you can do that here too. You’ll be surprised at how easy and quickly it’ll be for you to pick up now. We also learn Olkara`en and Hul`zaectic, some of the early languages of the demons.”
    “Why would I need to know the language of Demons?” I asked.
    She glanced over at me. “Why wouldn’t you? Always know what your enemy is planning.” She replied as she sat down next to Anthony. I took the open seat next to Durien.
    The guys had pretty much finished their bowls by the time we arrived , but they stayed anyway to keep us company.
    “What are you guys talking about?” Gabe asked first.
    “I was just telling Starling about the languages of the Demons.” Lorelei replied.
    “Ah yes, the forbidden darkness. It’s an ugly language , but it gives us somewhat of an advantage.” Anthony said.
    “I would much rather learn the language of the Angels.” Crystal commented , taking a bite of her pear.
    “We don’t?” I asked.
    “No mortal, not even we are allowed to know the language of Angels. Our brains couldn’t grasp it anyways. We were never meant to know or read it. There’s apparently no need though, they speak to us in our language anyway.” Scarlet said.
    I was awed. “They speak to us?” My eyes widened.
    “ From time to time. It comes with being a chosen warrior. How do you think we’re able to learn the language of the Demons? We get all that text information from them.” Durien said.
    “He re comes Lira.” Scarlet informed, and then we all followed her gaze in the direction of the double wooden doors.
    Lira was a mouse of a girl. Dark hair and dark eyes that seemed too big for her small face, and her head too big for her small body. I also noticed, that she didn’t have the brandings on her arms that everyone else seemed to have.
    “We all had a bet going to see if we could guess what your essence will be.” Durien smiled at me.
    I shifted in my chair, ready to dig into the delicious smelling stew.
    “You guys keep throwing things at her that she has no idea of yet. Give her a moment.” Crystal commented.
    I agreed a s I blew at the spoonful of meat, potato and carrots, before finally taking a bite.
    It was incredibly flavorful, instantly taming my extreme hunger once I swallowed. I wasted no time scooping up another heaping spoonful.
    “I remember being that hungry too after rising.” Scarlet chuckled.
    “Whatever it is, I think it has something to do with your aura.” Anthony commented, leaning forward on the table on his elbows.
    “Yeah, like maybe light or something. She can blind the dark ones.” Scarlet said while studying me inquisitively. She had one elbow on the table, resting her chin in her hand, and chewing on her pinky nail.
    Crystal looked at me too, and then nodded as if she were agreeing with Scarlet’s theor y.
    I was beginning to feel uneasy b eing the center of attention.
    “What’ s an essence?” I asked finally, after having finished half the bowl of stew already. I eyed the next table over, where the two girls, who had been scrutinizing me when I first walked in, continued to watch me with narrowed eyes. One of them looked about my age, which I think was around eighteen or nineteen, and the other looked a bit older. When our eyes met, they both leaned in to whisper to each other.
    Yep, definitely like high school.
    Lira took a seat next to me , with a plate full of figs, carrots, an apple, and one piece of the pita bread.
    She apparent ly wasn’t much of an eater, but that was no surprise, given her small stature.
    “Your es sence is your ability. It’s the strength, energy and power from within. It

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