like he would take down any other criminal, especially one foolish enough to threaten someone he considered under his protection. Whether it made sense or not, Eleanor was now on his short list of people that were under his wing— no matter what the law or the queen had to say about it.
“I thought you were going to be here tomorrow,” Cynthia sobbed, tears flowing down her face.
“Put the gun down. Now,” Frank ordered as he positioned himself between the two women.
“You still haven’t learned to use a day planner?” Eleanor clucked her tongue. “You really should get organized if you plan to start killing people. Time management makes murder so much more manageable.”
“Shut up!” Cindy shouted at Eleanor, her face twisting with rage. “Just shut up. You aren’t always right.”
“Cynthia, if you don’t put that gun down right now, I will shoot,” Frank said, hoping his tone would convince her that he was serious.
“But you’re supposed to be on my side.” Cindy sniffed, her eyes filling again.
“Yeah, Frank, can’t you just help your queen kill me like you’re supposed to?” Eleanor mocked, not showing nearly as much concern for her own welfare as he would like. Badgering an unstable teen who was holding a gun aimed at her heart wasn’t the wisest course of action.
“Eleanor, be quiet,” he ordered.
“I wasn’t going to kill her, Frank. I could never kill anyone. You have to believe me.” Cynthia dropped the gun as she dissolved into another fit of tortured sobs. Covering her face with her hands, she sank to the floor where she proceeded to curl into a ball on her side, looking pathetic in her oversized t-shirt and man-sized diaper.
But pathetic-looking or not, he wasn’t going to breathe easier until that gun was out of her reach.
Quickly, Frank crossed to her and kicked the gun to the far side of the room, unmoved by the wide, tear-filled eyes she blinked up at him from the floor. She was a beautiful girl, angelically so, but he had finally gotten a look at the brat that lurked beneath the pretty surface. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t seen through her sooner. He’d always prided himself on being a good judge of character.
“I didn’t mean to hurt her,” Cynthia pleaded. “You have to believe me.”
“She just thought I’d look better with a few bullet holes for decoration,” Eleanor quipped behind him.
“Eleanor, please,” Frank said.
“I’m sorry. This is how I handle being scared,” Eleanor said, her voice rising before she broke off with a shaky breath.
Shit. Pretty soon he was going to have two crying females on his hands and the real red light stalker popping in to the waiting room. He had to establish order before they lost the chance to catch their second suspect. They could all sit down and try to figure out what the hell was going on with the queen after that was accomplished.
“Get up, Cynthia. Now,” he ordered. “Eleanor, do your best to get it together, okay? The real guy is on his way up.”
She blinked. “The real guy? What real guy?”
“We’ve got another suspect on the way. Cynthia might not be our girl, or she might not be working alone.” He reached down, hauling a freshly sobbing Cindy to her feet.
Eleanor’s hand pressed against her stomach. “You mean there’s someone else who wants to kill me?”
“He doesn’t want to kill you,” Cindy said, her voice laced with a healthy dose of bitterness. “He’s in lust with you.”
“What?” Eleanor asked, her big brown eyes growing even wider.
“He who?” Frank asked, pulling the queen across the room toward the east dressing room. They were running short on time, and he had to make her disappear before the man she was talking about made it to the tenth floor.
“The k-k-k…” Cindy stuttered, the resurgence of her tears making it impossible to understand what she was trying to say.
“Tell me his name,” Frank demanded, giving the girl a sharp shake. “Help me
Tracy Wolff, Katie Graykowski