Don't Mess With Earth

Don't Mess With Earth by Cliff Ball Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Don't Mess With Earth by Cliff Ball Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cliff Ball
Tags: Science-Fiction, Space ships, Space flight, aliens on earth, space aliens
develop the glider, everyone on Earth would be able to see what
they could do, and aim to keep inventing stuff like gliders,
instead of letting a bunch of corrupt Church officials tell them
what to do. I thought encouraging one person to question authority
would set the seed for them one day being free of such overwhelming
government and religious control. That is my reasoning for doing
what I did, sirs.” explained the scientist.
    Other Committee members, after talking a
little amongst themselves, explained to Galileo, “It really isn’t
up to you to push for human advancement, they have to do it on
their own, even if it takes another thousand years for them to
become as advanced as our civilization. As far as encouraging
rebelliousness against authority in Europe, it began before you
arrived there, and will continue long after you are dead; you don’t
need to be the sole reason for anarchy on that planet. The
government of our planet also feels that the Ragnor aren’t that big
of a threat to Terra for you or anyone else to interfere in the
technological advancement of humanity. You know that you may have
catastrophically interfered with the natural progression of human
history by helping someone who may or may not have invented gliders
and the means to fly if you were not there to help? Galileo, you
are hereby ordered to stay on Terra and will never be able to
return to Earth. You are discouraged from ever talking about your
experiences, and you shall not encourage others to follow your
lead. Do you understand the gravity of your situation?”
    Galileo did understand and had no problem
with the Committee orders to stay on Terra and not talk to anyone
about his experiences, which would only encourage more Terrans to
mess up the natural progression of history on Earth. After the
beating he took at the hands of those humans, he really didn’t want
to go back to Earth anyway.

Chapter Five

    While certain Terrans were busy with
manipulating the humans of Earth, the Ragnor were still attacking
starships of the various space-going species in the galaxy. The
Ragnor ships were still cloaked and sometimes impossible to fight
against. The Terrans had improved the cloak detector to detect a
ship a few million miles from a planet, but with space phenomenon,
detecting Ragnor ships was still incredibly difficult. The Ragnor
also began noticing many Terran ships heading off in a direction
that the Ragnor had never gone before, so with their curiosity
piqued, their cloaked ships followed the Terrans to a solar system
with nine planets. The Terrans stopped at the third, a planet that
was mostly blue. The Ragnor also detected radio signals coming from
the fourth planet, so they now knew where the Terrans had set up a
planetary base. A scan of the blue planet was conducted, and the
Ragnor were surprised to learn this planet had humans living on it,
albeit a bit on the primitive side. Since these humans probably had
no idea about aliens in general, the Ragnor decided to start
conducting more experiments, figuring there would be no reprisals
from these humans.
    The cloaked ship entered Earth’s atmosphere
and flew around the planet a few times, when the crew noticed a
ship leaving a small island off the coast of the northern
hemisphere. There was a small village on it, with no other
noticeably sizable population centers for hundreds of miles. Since
the Ragnor always conducted experiments when people were asleep,
they waited until well after midnight to begin their experiments.
The ship flew over the biggest house on the island, since the
Ragnor figured the leader was living there, and used their beaming
technology to bring the human leader aboard their ship. The human
male was still deeply sleeping when he was put on the lab table to
be examined. The Ragnor examined his DNA, finding nothing of
particular interest, so they woke him up to interrogate him about
the Terrans.
    The man woke up to see a tall, bluish
skinned, gangly

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