Door to Kandalaura

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Book: Door to Kandalaura by Louise Klodt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Louise Klodt
that?” I asked.
    “You’ll see,” responded Nicholas. “Sometimes Jesus Himself shows up.”
    “Really,” I exclaimed. “What does He do when He shows up?”
    “We never know what He’s going to do,” said Andron. “One time He appeared in front
of the stage, stretched out His hands, and turned in a complete circle. As He did, colors of the rainbow flashed from His hands and lit up the entire sky around us.
It was like your northern lights, absolutely spectacular. One thing is for sure:
our worship is never boring.”
    Now some musicians were standing on the platform in front of us holding rain poles.
That’s what I call them. On the downbeat and the third beat of every measure, they
pounded their poles onto the platform. It sounded like an army marching. Suddenly
three trumpeters stood, holding long, golden horns. They played in three part harmony
what sounded like the opening to the Olympic Games.
    “Somebody important must be coming,” I said to Andron.
    “It’s a welcome for Jesus,” he said. “We always welcome Him with a fanfare to show
our respect. He’s the most important person on our planet. Whether He shows up or
not doesn’t matter. We always know that He hears us.”
    “I never thought of respect like that,” I said.
    More and more instruments were joining in now. Soon a full marching band was playing.
Then I saw it—the beginning of a processional. Men, women, and children were lined
up for as far as I could see carrying banners and flags. The first banner said, “KING
OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS.” Andron read it in English for me.
    The second banner had the picture of a lion on it. “What do the words underneath
the lion say?” I asked Andron.
    “LION OF JUDAH,” said Andron, “Straight from your Bible.”
    There was a child at each end holding the pole. Slowly they approached the front
of the stage. The entire procession was very stately and reverent.
    “Not even our president gets a welcome like this,” I said.
    Then I heard a loud roar. The lion on the banner had come to life. He was moving
his head and his roars filled the air. My eyes must have been popping out of my head.
I was so startled I almost screamed but covered my mouth in time. I stepped back,
startled and thrilled at the same time. Andron and Nicholas were smiling. I felt
like they were saying, “We told you so.”
    What followed next was a flag covered with flames signifying the fire and power
of God. Its carrier danced down the aisle, waving it back and forth as huge flames
shot out of it. Some fell to the ground, yet nothing caught on fire. It made me think
of Moses and the burning bush.
    Behind this came a huge banner carried by two Kandalaurean men. It was royal blue.
Bolts of lightning shot out of it. Just like the flames, some hit the ground, yet
nothing caught on fire. Others lit up the sky. Peals of thunder shook the ground.
I thought we might be having an earthquake. It was a bit scary, yet awesome at the
same time. I looked over at Nicholas.
    “I told you it would be live,” he said.
    “You did,” I replied. “But I never expected it to be this much alive.”
    One banner looked like a bluish green waterfall, yet nothing was getting wet.
    “It’s liquid worship,” said Andron.
    The atmosphere was thick with what seemed like a river passing through us and around
us filled with love, peace, and joy. Nobody got soaked.
    “I don’t think we have anything on Earth that comes close to this,” I said.
    “No,” said Andron. “But I wouldn’t be surprised if you see it in heaven.” He smiled
his smile.
    I continued watching the procession. Marchers put their banners and flags in special
holders in front and to the sides of the stage. There may have been close to a hundred
of them.
    Everything pictured on the banners came to life. Eagles soared in and out, and flowers
danced on banners leaving a sweet fragrance in the air. Trees waved their branches
and clapped to the beat of the poles and drums.

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