attempting to delay the inevitable transaction and desperately needing to make sense of the strange events that had transpired that day.
“Pretty please, Mom,” Shane cajoled. “We just wanna go out and have some fun. Me and Tariq don’t never hardly have no spending money.”
Too weary and guilt-ridden to disagree, Ms. Holmes double-parked and withdrew the money from the closest ATM.
Instead of riding the bus, Shane and Tariq saved money by walking to the movie complex on Fortieth and Walnut Streets. The movie Shane wanted to see didn’t start for another hour, so the boys walked to the arcade on Spruce Street. Inside, Shane sauntered over to the arcade attendant. “I need change for a twenty.”
The attendant counted out twenty dollars in quarters.
“You’re gonna spend all your money in here?” Tariq asked in amazement. “I thought we were gonna catch a movie later.”
“Don’t worry; there’s more where that came from.” Shane pulled out another twenty and gave Tariq a wink.
“Wow! Where’d you get that?”
“Shootin’ craps,” he lied. Shane had actually lifted the twenty out of Ms. Holmes’s wallet. It wasn’t the first time he’d taken money from her and it wouldn’t be the last.
S hane sat at the kitchen table looking sullen and mean. While Tariq devoured the ham and eggs and guzzled down orange juice, Shane sat slouching and defiantly refused to touch his food.
“You ain’t eating, man?” Tariq asked. Ms. Holmes, busy straightening up in the kitchen, cut a worried eye at Shane. His mood changed like the weather, she now realized.
“What’s the matter, honey pie? Don’t you have an appetite?”
Shane shook his head solemnly.
Ms. Holmes’s instincts told her not to pry. Just leave the boy alone until he got in a better mood. “Tariq, are you going to the swimming pool today?” She tried to sound upbeat but was terribly disturbed.
Before responding, Tariq gave Shane a questioning gaze. Shane refused to meet his eyes, so Tariq turned to his foster mother and gave her a shrug.
“Well, you boys go on outside and get some fresh air, I got a lot of house work to do and I know you two don’t want to be cooped up in here doing chores,” she said with false gaiety. Shane’s mood was working hard on her nerves; she could use some breathing room.
“It’s burning up out here, Shane. Let’s go to the pool. We’ll have fun. Come on, man,” Tariq prodded. Shane finally nodded. Tariq slapped his brother’s palm, obviously delighted that Shane had given his stamp of approval. “I’ll get your swimming trunks,” Tariq yelled as he bounded the stairs.
The air between her and Shane was thick. Trying to block out the bad vibes the boy was sending in her direction, Ms. Holmes hummed a spiritual as she wiped down counters that were already sparkling clean.
Tariq came down with their swimming gear packed in a book bag. As they headed for the door, Shane said, “Hold up; I gotta pee. I’ll be right back.” He turned around and slowly took the stairs. A few minutes later, he reappeared, his expression more pleasant; his mood seemed lighter.
“See you later, Miz Holmes,” Tariq yelled.
“Okay, baby. Y’all be safe and don’t go anywhere near those street corner hoodlums. They’re up to no good at all times.”
“We won’t,” Tariq hollered as the screen door banged closed.
Just as she was expelling a sigh of relief, Shane came back inside, walked to the kitchen, and bent low enough to give her a hug. “I’m sorry, Mom. Okay? Sometimes I just get sad; I don’t know why.” He rubbed her back as he spoke and then lowered his hands to her broad behind.
He jerked upright. “What?”
“You know what you’re doing isn’t right. Now where’s your brother? Hurry up and catch up with him before one of those hoodlums tries to lead him astray.”
“Tariq’s all right. He’s probably already at the pool. I told him I’d meet him in a little