Down Home and Deadly

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Book: Down Home and Deadly by Christine Lynxwiler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christine Lynxwiler
toward us.
    As soon as he finished, Dad said, “Denise, you can be on my team. We need a good guard.” He winked at me.
    Sure enough, John rose to the bait. “She can’t play!” As we burst out laughing, he grinned weakly. “Oh, I guess you knew that.”
    “Go on, honey, you play and uphold the family honor,” Denise said, edging her chair closer to where Carly, Mama, and the twins were sitting. “I’ll just watch safely from the sidelines and cheer you on.”
    After the kayaker from cabin seven joined us , we had twelve players, just enough for three teams of four. We flipped a coin to see who would play the first round. Seth, Ricky, Tiffany , and John drew the first game against Alex, Elliot, Zac , and me. That left Dad, the honeymooners , and the kayaker for the third team.
    During a water break, Tiffany and I joined Carly, M ama , and Denise on the sidelines.
    “Nice shooting there, Tex ,” I drawled to Tiffany.
    She smiled. “Two years of dating a basketball coach. He was obsessed with the game , and if I wanted to see him , it had to be on the court.”
    When we went back onto the court, the game moved fast and furiously. We were up by six points when Seth went up for a shot. He missed , but as he came down, he yelled, “Foul!” at Alex.
    Alex frowned. “I don’t think so.”
    Ricky walked up to stand beside Seth. “Think so or not, you did,” he said to Alex.
    “We’ll replay . ” Alex offered a compromise.
    Seth shrugged. “Fine by me.”
    Before we could resume play, though, Denise hollered for John. He gasped and sprinted toward her, no doubt expecting to have to deliver the baby right there on the sidelines. But she waggled his cell phone at him.
    We all sat down on the concrete for a short break while he took the call. Zac, Elliott, Alex, and I sat together.
    “You didn’t foul him,” Zac murmured.
    Alex shrugged. “It’s just a game.”
    Elliott smiled. “Easy to say when we’re ahead.”
    Zac’s face brightened. “We are smoking them, aren’t we?”
    Elliott nodded. “Nice three - pointer, buddy.”
    “Thanks. I’ve been practicing.”
    I had a flash of realization. Carly was incredibly blessed that Zac and Elliott had such an easy relationship. Amelia and Tiffany were proof that even a blood bond didn’t guarantee that kind of camaraderie.
    John clicked his phone shut and walked back over to the court. “Seth, Ricky, I need you to come with me. Something’s come up. Good game, y’all.” The last was aimed at us as the men headed purposefully to John’s car. I dashed after them and tried to casually stroll along beside John. Kind of hard since he took one step to my two.
    “John, are you going to the station?”
    He kept walking.
    “Did someone have a wreck? Is anyone hurt?”
    Still walking.
    But my gut wouldn’t let me be quiet. “This has something to do with the murder case, hasn’t it?”
    No answer.
    “John Connor, you make me so mad. All you have to do is tell me what’s going on.”
    Finally, he whipped his head around to look at me. “You’re wrong there, Jenna. I don’t have to tell you anything. This is official police business. Go play ball.”
    After the third game , which, by the way, we won handily, the guests went back to their own cabins and the rest of us scattered. Carly and Elliott headed out to the glider under the elm tree. Alex had some work to catch up on, so Mama and I walked over to the porch swing.
    “Mama, did you know the guy that was murdered was from here?” I sat down in the swing.
    She sat down beside me. “Yes.”
    “Did you and Daddy know him?” I pushed off the swing with my toe.
    “We knew who he was. He left here a long time ago.”
    “Tell me about him. Where did he go?”
    “I don’t know all that much about him, honey. And I have no idea where he went.”
    “I just want to know why he was killed. And who murdered him.”
    “Honey . . . ” Mama pushed the swing with her foot. “I know you. The more you learn,

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