Dr Jew

Dr Jew by Robert Crayola Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Dr Jew by Robert Crayola Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Crayola
but still coming back for more me. I wonder why I don't just look but this spot on the ceiling is so great I don't want to miss it in case something happens up there I can't imagine what but you never know. And so heavy my eyes like dumbbells sitting on them and my arms are like whales but at least he's getting those pants off my legs freeing me up oh god finally out of those so hot in here.
    Her legs were good. Kind of chubby but just a little in a good way. "Let me check on you, how are you doing, well, well, good, glad to hear it, glad to find these momentary islands respite from the storm, eh, we look upon the circumstances as we find them and don't dare ask why, and if a poem should manifest beautifully in the medical literature then turn on your receptive faculties kill some time and be the professor a while, and why not. And if your brains should not apprehend a phrase or image we should certainly not the author blame! Perhaps we could scan the lines again or find a poetic mentor or throw our brains upon the rocks or… or… ha ha… but perhaps I've wandered a bit."
    Flickers light and words washed over me but there was a long corridor and they 'd never get to me. Instead he had on his teeth and my waist he bit into my underwear his velvet claws lowering them the cold rush of ice water air black silk glowering he pulled them down and down past kneecap, ankle, big toe and undone the sling is shot and again they're cast offscreen to be taken by the dwarves to the incinerator.
    And quit beating about the bush I said to myself and got up on her and mounted the vessel and I don 't know if she even knew I was inside Do you feel me and yes of course I knew how could he even ask it so cold now like a thermometer he put inside me so mercury and rising he began to up and down and back and forth and this time all I could do was lie there in his grip soiled smeared his lubricant hands and all I could feel was the frozen cold grip sighing him or me or us panting like a wet dog sliming me and here I was sleeping all through this without opinion or memory.
    I bit into her breast not caring if I ripped them off some hyperactive hyperbolic pac-man I wanted to tear her to Reese 's pieces tear her up as much allowed to still keep her breathing and throbbing what kind of doctor am I. Not sure if I was laughing or crying and in kissing or sucking her mucoused walls I'd absorbed some of it a little wobbly but ignore! ignore! and stop analyzing and be in this room in this well of flesh upon and thinking no more my curse my father always said I couldn't turn my thoughts off, always conniving, and I wonder if the old fool may have had something after all. I'm like a rock or the earth itself ready to earthquake or volcano out on her plain of skin an exploding man oil everywhere it sickens me with beauty and I can't stop it's going it's out of my hands it's at the top of the hill and gravity must have its way but still it goes higher and up again and the sun novas –
    It still . It clumbles. It. A. The s – The sound. Ah. Em. Ah. It's. It's out ahhh a. A little more a little. A shake. A.
    And now. And now. Now my ordinary senses and too rough. Pull it. Pull it out for a bit. Pull it.
    Leave me. Leave me be. Alone. Leave me alone. Rancid cow. Out of my sight! But she remains on and on, expectant, silent, obedient. Or just immobile. A wax ark parked on the chair, beached whale.
    And he has stopped the music has stopped and tinnitus just an acknowledgement that being going on and on in overlap. I try to remember my name and a bell is all I hear. Kiss me again. Kiss. Pretend and keep it going for god's sake again. Start it again for sake. My sake. Let us dance again. He looks. He just holds it there and leaves me confused. Start the miracle move again. Please let us go once more that country have a turn again and turn us all to mayonnaise rub away our thoughts and just feel again but we are separate

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