Dragon Blood 5: Mage

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Book: Dragon Blood 5: Mage by Avril Sabine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Avril Sabine
arguing with him. We don’t trust him.”
    “Go with him, Roy. I’m not about to get you killed after saving you twice.”
    “Is that what this is about? Because I owe you?”
    “No it’s about surviving. We’re not going to manage this if only a handful are willing to fight against the Hell Hounds. Go with Kade. If you go with him, your family will too.”
    “You better not get my family killed.” Roy hung up and a moment later he appeared in front of her with Kade, who immediately disappeared back into the Void.
    “Is everyone okay? Are you?” Amber eyed him up and down, not seeing any wounds and unable to smell blood.
    “No one’s hurt, but someone’s still shooting at our house. The window broke before Amos dragged me out of the kitchen.”
    Kade stepped out of the Void with Eliza, his eyes meeting Amber’s for a second before he disappeared again.
    Eliza pointed a finger at Amber stepping close to her. “This is your fault. You brought this on us.”
    Amber pushed Eliza’s hand away from her face. “No, this is the Knights’ problem. That was Wayne out there.”
    Kade brought Amos out of the Void and left again.
    “We didn’t want to be brought here.” Amos gestured towards his nephew. “You forced us to come here by kidnapping Roy.”
    Roy spoke before Amber had a chance to. “It was my choice to go with Kade. If we’d stayed there one of us would’ve ended up getting killed.”
    “Don’t start sticking up for them, Roy. We’re Knights. I won’t have you siding with them,” Amos said.

Chapter Seven
    Kade stepped out of the Void with Isaac. “I think there’s more than one firing at the house.”
    “Who’s going to fix my house?” Eliza demanded.
    Amber started to say it was Wayne’s responsibility, but decided it was better to ignore the question rather than start an argument. “Did the Knights even try to find Wayne?”
    “How do you know it was Wayne?” Isaac asked.
    Amber glanced towards Kade, not quite sure what to say.
    “She’s a tracker,” Kade said.
    “Then why didn’t you help us find Wayne?” Isaac asked.
    About to make excuses, Amber stopped herself. “Why should I do your job for you?”
    “Exactly. Why should we do your job for you? Since when are the Hell Hounds our problem?” Amos demanded.
    “Since humans are the Hell Hounds preferred prey,” Kade said.
    “Then why haven’t we heard about them before?” Eliza asked.
    The planning room door swung open and Rian stood there. “I was informed there were strangers in the planning room.” Then he spoke directly to Amber.
“Are you okay? Unharmed?”
    “Wayne was waiting for me. We left when he started shooting at the house.”
    “We should return with warriors.” Before Amber had a chance to agree with Rian, Isaac spoke.
    “You can’t take an army of dragons into a quiet suburb without drawing attention.”
    “He’s probably gone by now,” Kade said
    “We could come out at the park and circle around,” Amber said. “We don’t have to take an army with us. Besides, we wouldn’t be able to get an army there in a hurry. How many Golds would know the pathway to that exact location?”
    “Ronan probably would,” Rian said.
    “If you’re going back there, you’re taking me too.” Amos rested his hand on his sword.
    Daray stepped out of the Void, holding a referdex that he placed on the table.
    “What are you doing here?” Amber asked Daray.
    “I sent for him.” Rian crossed the room and opened the referdex, flicking through the first handful of pages at the front of the book. “What is the location you wish to go to?”
    Amber gave him the address and moved closer to watch him find it. “I don’t see how this will help,” she said and then spoke directly to Rian.
“And don’t even think about calling Ronan.”
    With his finger on the location, Rian stepped back and gestured Daray forward.
    Daray stared down at the referdex for a moment, then nodded. “I can take someone to this

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