Dragon Defense (Heirs to the Throne Book 3)
“Krystal saved Angela from Jarrack and gave her the gift of learning.  I’ll always be grateful to my Queen.  Angela hopes to open a school at court and share the gift of knowledge.”
    “What a wonderful idea!”  Krystal announced.  “I’m anxious to hear the details.  Come tell me all about it.”  Krystal ushered Angela to a nearby seat, and they spoke in quiet tones.
    “I guess a school will open soon.”  Donovan smiled at the man who was once a thorn in his side at Council.
    Hembly gazed at his daughter.  “You’ll take good care of her?”
    “Krystal will see to it.” 
    Donovan felt amazed at Hembly’s gentle demeanor. As if sensing Donovan’s thoughts, Hembly straightened and assumed his public face.  “I’ll see you in Council.  We still need to discuss the matter of restoring lord’s rights.” 
    Donovan sighed, preferring the man he glimpsed to the brash lord who was not easy to tolerate.
    The next man to approach the throne was a tall desert rider.  He sauntered arrogantly down the aisle.  Colorful robes swirled and a jeweled scimitar sparkled in an ornate belt attached to his narrow waist. 
    “I am Salizar, emissary from the Mullah of Kesh.  I came to ransom Princess Tamarind.” His black eyes flashed with defiance and an angular beard accentuated the obstinate set of his jaw.
    Donovan nodded.  “Good, we’re happy to return Tamarind to her father.  She hasn’t been an easy guest to tolerate.”  Donovan grinned at the rider’s astonished expression.
    Salizar quickly recovered his arrogance.  “The Mullah of Kesh places a high value on his daughter, the jewel of the desert; therefore, as ransom the mullah offers twenty desert horses, a casket filled with gold, and a string of fine pearls.”
    Donovan’s face reddened in anger.  “We didn’t ask the Mullah to ransom his daughter!”
    “Sire, may I speak with you for a moment,” Andrew interrupted.  Donovan nodded, needing to calm his anger.  “Sire,” Andrew whispered, “during my youth I traded horses with desert people and learned their customs.  If you return the girl without accepting a ransom, it diminishes her value to the tribe and might disgrace her family.”
    Dismayed, Donovan stared at Andrew.  “What can we do?  I can’t bargain for a ransom, it’s against everything I believe.”
    “Permit me to negotiate on your behalf.  The funds can pay for damages caused by riders to the castle.”  Andrew awaited a reply.
    Donovan thought a moment and whispered, “Go ahead.  Give Trenton ten days to organize a trip to the spaceport to coincide with her departure.”  He leaned back against the high carved throne and watched.
    Andrew turned to Salizar.  “The crown is insulted by the mullah’s offer!” Andrew said with a stony expression and stiff demeanor.  “Jarrack paid a higher price for the girl one year ago!  Clearly you hope to make a profit and brand us idiots!”
    Salizar smirked and eased into a relaxed posture.  Now that the bargaining began in earnest, he felt reassured. “King Donovan can’t blame us for the lower price.  The girl might be spoiled by the attention of undesirables.”
    Andrew’s eyes narrowed with anger.  “You toy with the king!  An unwed princess is trained to slit the throat of an assailant or die by her own hand if touched by anyone except her lawful husband.  See for yourself.”  Andrew gestured with disdain.  “The girl is alive and treated as an honored guest.” 
    Salizar gazed at Tamarind who sat cross-legged on silk pillows, guarded by two Samurai women.  “She appears to be whole,” Salizar conceded in a respectful tone.
    “Tamarind, come here!” Andrew commanded. 
    Donovan flinched, remembering the vile temper tantrums of the princess, but she rose in a fluid motion and meekly approached the throne.  Andrew ignored the girl and asked, “Would you examine the woman?”
    Salizar glanced at the jeweled dagger hanging from

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