
Dragonblood by Anthony D. Franklin Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Dragonblood by Anthony D. Franklin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anthony D. Franklin
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but the night always brought shadows within shadows. Determined not to let childhood tales frighten him, Tallon walked on.
    With the dawn Tallon relaxed shoulders he had not realized had been tense. With the sun rising behind him, Tallon watched the day brighten. A mountain, hidden in the night, now loomed before him. He stopped to try to decide which way to start the climb. He thought he heard a footfall behind him and spun around, ready to defend himself. Nothing. There was a span of open space between the woods and the slow rise of the mountain. Tallon scanned the edge of the forest but saw nothing to warrant the itchy feeling between his shoulder blades. Shaking his head, and berating himself for a scared fool, he turned to face the task ahead.
    He sent a thought to his friend, “ I am coming, Bondmate,” and got a sense of intense relief in return. The ceremony would start as the sun was setting. He had a long climb and no time to waste. Setting the backpack aside, Tallon began the long climb to the top of the mountain, and to his destiny.
    The young dragon paced back and forth in his cave. Today was the day. If the plan worked, songs would be sung about his naming day. If not, well... better not to think of that. But the plan had to work. It would not matter what anyone else thought if the elders accepted his logic. He would have his name AND his honor. But there was an old saying: “IF YOU WANT TO MAKE THE CREATOR LAUGH, MAKE PLANS!” Especially, the young one thought, if your plans hinged on the hopes of a human!
    Just then he felt his Bondmate and heard his message: “ I am coming, Bondmate.”
    Strange, the relief he felt just in knowing the proximity of his friend. Their destinies were tied together now. For good or ill, they were bonded.
    Cloudia entered the cave. “ It’s time, Snooter. You must hunt and eat. Then I will bathe you. Your scales must shine like the sun, my love.”
    “We will assist in the bathing. Right of parenthood, you know.” Fracco and Blessa stood in the entrance of the cave, speaking as one.
    If dragons could blush, the young one would have been crimson. His parents approved of Cloudia; else they would not have offered to “assist” in the bathing. By tradition, the parents prepared their hatchling for his or her naming day. Allowing Cloudia to be involved was a slight deviation from that tradition. Of course, not much would be normal on this naming day.
    Sweat stung Tallon’s eyes as he pulled himself up onto the narrow ledge. His shirt was soaked through and the kerchief he’d been using was wet and filthy. He had numerous small cuts and scrapes, especially on his fingers. Only a little further, he kept saying to himself. Breathing had become a chore. The air was thinner up here, and this last part of the climb would be the steepest.
    He hoped that appearance did not count for much, as he would be gritty and sweaty, with a few tears in his clothes for good measure. He heaved a sigh and pushed himself to his feet. Grasping at a small crevice, he pulled himself upward. The sun would be setting soon. For a moment panic almost overtook him. He calmed himself with the knowledge that his part would be late in the ceremony. He had time. Patience would win the race.
    He’d not looked back down since starting his ascent. Now and then the itchy feeling between his shoulder blades would distract him, but he refused to look down. This was no time to give in to vertigo. As he neared the crest finger holds and foot holds became scarce. He spied a slight outcropping about a foot above his outstretched hand. Bending his knees, he jumped – and missed his target! He felt himself falling, sliding down the cliff face. Desperately he sought something to grab onto. He latched onto a scraggly vine-like weed, barely pushing through a crack in the rock. He hung there, bloody and near exhaustion. To make matters worse, the sun was beginning to set, and his Bondmate’s complete attention was on what

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