Dream Eyes

Dream Eyes by Jayne Ann Krentz Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Dream Eyes by Jayne Ann Krentz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayne Ann Krentz
Tags: english eBooks
know, I really don’t owe you any explanations, Coppersmith.” Wesley turned back to Gwen. “Think about what I said. If you’re interested in taking over the research as well as the scriptwriting, I’ll make it worth your while. I’m in a real crunch here. I need your help.”
    “I’ll think about it,” Gwen promised.
    “Do that,” Wesley advised. “But do it fast. I’ll give you the same salary that I gave Evelyn. We both know that between the research and the scriptwriting, you’ll make a hell of a lot more than you will in the psychic counseling business.”
    “I know,” Gwen said. She studied him with an assessing expression. “How long do you plan to be in town?”
    “I’ve got to get back to Portland tonight to catch a plane to California first thing in the morning. We’re filming all day tomorrow. But you can reach me on my cell. Call anytime, day or night. I’ll need an answer soon, Gwen.”
    “I understand.”
    Wesley hesitated. “Do you have any idea what she was working on there at the end?”
    “No. She never sent me any notes. Usually the two of us batted around ideas for a show before we settled on a couple that we thought would work for you. But I hadn’t heard from her in nearly two weeks.”
    “If you find anything connected to
when you go through her files, let me know.”
    “All right,” Gwen said.
    “It’s weird,” Wesley said. “The last time I spoke to her—about a week ago before she stopped taking my calls—I got the impression that she was working on something really big. You’re sure she didn’t drop any hints?”
    “Well, that’s it, then. Shit.” Wesley’s jaw hardened. “I’m dead serious about my offer, Gwen. Evelyn would have wanted you to take over her job. Think of it as carrying on her legacy of research into the paranormal. And I can guarantee you that the money is good.”
    “I promise I’ll think about it.” Gwen took one hand out of her jacket pocket and glanced at her watch. “It’s getting late. You’ll have to excuse us, Wesley. Judson and I have some business to attend to.”
    “Yeah, right. Business.” Wesley shot Judson a narrow-eyed look and then jerked open the door of a nearby car. He got behind the wheel and looked up at Gwen.
    “Don’t forget,” he said. “If you turn up that last research file she was working on, call me.”
    “Okay,” Gwen said. “But I can tell you right now that it was probably on her computer and her computer is missing.”
    “Shit.” Wesley slammed the door and fired up the car.
    Judson watched the vehicle roar out of the parking lot.
    “Guess we can’t add him to our suspect list,” Judson said. “Sounds like he depended on Ballinger to keep his show on the air.”
    “She was certainly important to him,” Gwen said. “So it doesn’t seem like he would have had a motive. Also, if I’m right, Evelyn was killed by paranormal means. That means it’s practically impossible that Wesley killed her.”
    “Why do you say that?”
    “I’ve known Wesley since the days of the Ballinger study. I’m almost positive that he doesn’t have any strong psychic talent. Heck, he doesn’t even believe in the paranormal. He just thinks it makes good television.”
    “Okay, that explains a few things.” Judson took her arm and steered her toward his black SUV. “First things first. Let’s go have a look at the scene and find out whether or not we’re dealing with murder and, if so, whether it was murder by paranormal means. We’ll figure out what to do from there.”
    “Well, actually, first things first means a stop at the Wilby General Store before it closes. I’ve got a cat to feed.”
    “Fine. Cat food first. Then the murder investigation.”
    He discovered he liked holding her arm. He liked it a lot. When he opened the passenger-side door of the vehicle, Gwen paused, glancing at his hand.
    “Your ring,” she said.
    “What about it?”
    “It’s infused with a little

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