Dream Horse

Dream Horse by Bonnie Bryant Read Free Book Online

Book: Dream Horse by Bonnie Bryant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Bryant
reason. They were rude because they were jealous, and they were nice because they were hoping to get in good with her so that some of her taste would rub off on them. She smiled at Carole, knowing that her greeting was going to be the brightest part in poor Carole’s otherwise dull day.
    “New clothes?” Lisa asked, looking at the zippered bag that Veronica carried.
    “Yes,” said Veronica. “Mother thought my old ones were getting tattered.”
Of course Lisa must have noticed that
, Veronica thought. She was probably wondering what happened with Veronica’s old clothes. She probably wished Veronica would offer them to her. Veronica knew that her castoffs were actually in better condition than the riding habits Lisa usually wore. And as for Stevie—well, the less said about her outfits the better. Although Veronica had no intention of donating her old clothes to Lisa, it wouldn’t hurt to give the girl a few pointers.
    “We got these at The Saddlery,” said Veronica. “You know, they’ll put anything out on the rack there, but if you ask, the tailor can make you really first-rate clothes.I used to think we had to go shopping in the city to get quality. But we actually do almost as well with the custom-made things at The Saddlery. I’m sure they could do something for you.”
    “Oh, wow,” said Lisa. “Do you think so? Would they actually be able to make something as nice for me as they do for you?”
    “I don’t see why not,” said Veronica.
    “Well, please do show me your new clothes,” Lisa said eagerly. “I’m always fascinated with the outfits you wear. Such style, such taste, such colors!”
    Lisa sounded almost breathless with excitement. Veronica was pleased. The fact was she’d often thought that Lisa seemed to have pretty good taste in clothes, so it didn’t surprise her to find that Lisa had, apparently, been modeling her own wardrobe after Veronica’s.
    It only took Veronica a minute to pull on her new, soft riding pants. They were an elegant doeskin brown with leather patches inside the knees. They fit her legs sleekly and flattered her figure. Veronica showed Lisa that the skills of the little old tailor at The Saddlery were really quite adequate.
    “I’ve got to say I’m impressed,” Lisa remarked. “Can I see your new jacket, too?”
    Veronica slipped it on. It annoyed her that she had on an old shirt—something she’d already worn twice.When she got into new clothes, she liked to be in new clothes from the skin out. Still, the shirt was good quality, and the jacket’s tailoring complemented it and the new breeches perfectly.
    “Ohhhh,” said Lisa. “The lines! The seams! The fabric!”
    Veronica didn’t even try to hide her pleasure at Lisa’s compliments. “I’m sure that if you tell your mother how good this old man is, she’d consider having him whip one of these up for you, too,” she said.
    “I don’t know, but I sure am going to ask her!” Lisa said. “Now let me see it from the rear. The rear is always so important. It’s the impression you leave people with, you know?”
    “Yes, I know,” said Veronica. She turned.
    “Oh, wow,” said Lisa. “It’s … it’s—uh-oh.”
    “What?” asked Veronica.
    “Oh, nothing,” said Lisa.
    “You saw something. What’s wrong?” Veronica asked.
    “Well, I think he left a—here, let me see. Move back here into the light.” Veronica stepped back. “Oh, it’s just a thread or something. I think I can get it. Stand still.”
    “I didn’t see anything when I picked it up,” Veronica said. “I tried it on, of course.”
    “Of course,” said Lisa. “I think I have it …”
    Veronica felt a tug, then some pressure. “What is it?”
    “I’ve got it,” said Lisa. “All done. It was just a thread. It made ever so slight a wrinkle in the jacket. Here, let me smooth it for you.”
    She passed her hands across Veronica’s shoulders several times, smoothing out the wrinkles. Veronica was steaming. How

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