DREAM LOVER by Kimberley Reeves Read Free Book Online

Book: DREAM LOVER by Kimberley Reeves Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberley Reeves
intense than any of his dreams, and despite the overwhelming evidence that substantiated it hadn’t been real, Nic refused to believe it.  Whatever mysterious forces had been in play last night that caused it to be erased from the disk hadn’t been strong enough to erase it from his memory.  He’d held her in arms and kissed her and nothing could persuade him otherwise.
    “I’ll tell you everything,” he finally replied, “but I need to ask you a few things first.”
    “You don’t believe we both had the same dream, do you?”
    “No, I don’t.”
    “Neither do I,” she breathed out.  “I don’t understand what’s happening, Nic.  Am I losing my mind?”
    “If you are then I must be losing mine too.”
    A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth.  “Well, at least I’ll have company when I go stark raving mad.”
    “We’ll work through this,” he promised.  “It may take a little time to figure out what’s going on, but I believe there’s a logical explanation for everything if you just dig deep enough to find it.”
    “I hope so, because this whole thing is really starting to rattle me.”
    “Rachel…I need to know about the dream.”
    She took a bite of her omelet, chewing thoughtfully for a moment while she tried to figure out the least embarrassing way to relay what happened every night with her dream lover.  It hadn’t been as difficult to tell Dr. Agostino as she’d thought but maybe that was because she didn’t feel this
as she did with Nic.  Just thinking about the kiss they’d shared melted her bones.
    “It’s not like the nightmare,” she told him.  “The nightmare never varies. Although lately it’s become more vivid, as if I’m more aware of everything even though nothing has changed.”
    “More aware of your surroundings you mean?”
    “Yes…like how cold the floor is and the burning pain in my shoulder.  But my dreams of him are different each time.  Sometimes it’s fast and furious, full of passion and desire, and other times it’s slow and tender, lasting for hours.  At least it seems like it lasts that long.”
    “But you never see his face?”
    “No, it’s always too dark, but I’ve explored his face with my hands so I know he has a strong jaw line and a mouth that’s firm though his lips are soft.” 
Like yours
    “Do you ever talk to each other?”
    “Not exactly,” Rachel said, feeling the heat of a blush as it crept up her neck.  “We…uh…say things but it’s not like we carry on a conversation.”
    “And you’re sure you’ve never met this man before?”
    A soft smile curved her lips.  “He’s not the type of man I’d forget.  He has this aura of power
and strength and yet he’s so careful not to hurt me.  I’ve never had a man make me feel so desirable, so
  No offense, Nic, but no
man could be that perfect.”
    “Or maybe you’ve just never been with a man who was capable of making you feel that way.”
    “That’s entirely possible,” Rachel laughed.  “I’m afraid my education and career have always taken precedence over my love life.  To tell the truth I never really gave it much thought until the dream started.  I know this sounds silly but being with him made it impossible for me feel any sort of an attraction for another man.”
    “Does that mean you don’t date much?”
    “Oh I’ve had a dinner date here and there but I always felt uncomfortable, as if I was betraying him by being with another man.  So tell me, Dr. Covelli, do you still think I have all my wits about me or am I completely off my rocker?”
    Nic chuckled.  “I’m hardly in a position to make that call.  Listen, Rachel, I have a few things I need to tell you but I’d rather not do it here.  If you have the time, there’s a nice park just around the corner where we can talk a little more

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