Dressed in Yellow: BBW Contemporary Romance

Dressed in Yellow: BBW Contemporary Romance by Karina Ashe Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Dressed in Yellow: BBW Contemporary Romance by Karina Ashe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karina Ashe
didn’t we just break up this morning anyway?”
    Leon stared at her. “ You’re the mad one. You think your girly silliness in refusing my help is going to make me change my mind?”
    On one hand, being referred to as girly made her feel young and pretty- but the ‘foolishness’ part could have been held back.
    “Just chill out for me then, okay? I don’t need you going after my cousin. I don’t need a knight.”
    He pulled her to her feet. “Fine. Go put some powder on. We’re going to dinner and I don’t want anyone to think I beat you. A man who hits women-” he cut himself off, shaking his head as he turned away.
    Aiva walked on unsteady feet to the bathroom, washing her face and brushing her teeth. Reapplying fresh makeup and smoothing her hair. The skirt and blouse she was wearing would have to do. He was standing by the door, holding her purse when she emerged, an air of impatience about him. The intimacy, the familiarity of the gesture as he shoved the bag at Aiva touched something in her. She smiled at her, doubly amused when his eyes narrowed in suspicion.
    “What?” he asked.
    “Nothing. Let’s go.”
    “If you didn’t want people to think you beat me, you shouldn’t have taken me out,” Aiva said, calmly spearing her fish.
    Leon sat opposite her, expression dark, wine untouched. The surreptitious glances bothered him. She thought it was sweet, actually. She could think of several men who thought a bruise on a woman’s face was the perfect accessory to their own masculinity- Leon saw it as the opposite. As a weakness.
    “Are you certain-”
    “Yes.” Her reply was firm, gaze direct. “You want to marry me? Well, learn how to deal with my family.”
    He snarled. “The bastard. Don’t worry. There are other ways.”
    “As long as they don’t involve death or maiming.”
    Leon smiled thinly. “Not literally, my dear. Business is another matter.”
    She frowned, but let it go. Aiva knew she could only insist on his behavior up to a certain point. “You know- we’re supposed to have chaperones.”
    Leon choked on a sip of wine. “He was serious about that?”
    “What do you think?”
    He grimaced. “Are you enjoying the fish?”
    “It’s very good, thank you.”
    “I’m glad.” He gestured at the server. “This place is an investment of mine. I’d take it personally if the food was bad.”
    She snorted softly, continuing with her dinner.
    “Allow me to order dessert for you. One of my favorites.”
    Aiva listened with curiosity as he ordered, allowing the server to take her plate. She made it a point to never finish a whole plate- that way she could have a taste of everything without being greedy.
    He watched her indulgently as a plate was set in front of her, her eyes widening as she dug into the sponge cake soaked with orange liqueur and covered in chocolate ganache. A whipped cream more on the savory side rested with the fluff of an angelic cloud in between the layers of sponge. She nearly moaned.
    “Excuse me while I have a moment,” she said.
    Green eyes caressed her face. “One day you’ll make those sighs for me. Soon.”
    She froze, fork halfway to her mouth. “Leon- Mr. Sudano. I-”
    “Are you frightened?”
    Aiva’s dark eyes narrowed. “Of what? Sex? Don’t be ridiculous.”
    His face was impassive. “If it’s not fear I see in your eyes, then what is it?”
    “I don’t know you.” She put her fork down. “You- what you say you want from me. We’ve only just met.”
    “Sometimes you know, Aiva.” He reached across the small table, lifted a lock of hair from her shoulder. The boat neck top she wore exposed enough creamy brown flesh to appetize any man. “And at my age knowing right away is a survival instinct.”
    “I need time.”
    His fingers caressed her cheek as they withdrew. “No one is rushing you, sweet.” He smiled, a little wry. “You’ll have plenty of opportunities in the future to tell me you have a headache. Come, we’ll

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