Driving Her Crazy

Driving Her Crazy by Amy Andrews Read Free Book Online

Book: Driving Her Crazy by Amy Andrews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Andrews
Tags: Romance
    ‘Okay, I know, I’m sorry. I’m a horrible girly, city-chick cliché. But truly it’s huge and spiders just plain creep me out.’
    Kent leaned his forehead against the door. He’d been landed with a car-sick, celery-eating, arachnophobe.
    Who’d have thought that would come in such a fine package?
    ‘What do you want me to do?’
    Even through the door Sadie could hear his exasperation. Could sense his impatience with her girly theatrics. But it was easy to judge when you were on the other side of the door— the safe side . ‘I want you to come in here and kill it!’
    Kent sighed. The fact that she was being held captive in the bathroom by a spider didn’t bother him a bit—eventually she’d have to figure it out herself. And if he only had faith she’d do it silently he’d leave her to it.
    But a day in a car with Sadie Bliss had told him she didn’t really do quiet contemplation. ‘Are you decent?’
    Sadie rolled her eyes. ‘Why? Do you think the spider cares?’ she yelled.
    He took a breath. ‘I’m coming in.’
    ‘Easy, very easy,’ Sadie ordered. ‘It’s on the back of the door and I do not want to see how far that thing can jump.’
    Kent opened the door slowly whilst Sadie watched his progress, her eyes peeking out over the edge of the shower curtain she’d pulled around herself for extra protection as if it were an invisibility cloak.
    Kent glanced her way, two doe eyes and the top of her head the only things visible as she eyeballed the back of the door. ‘You know it’s more scared of you than you are of it, right?’ he murmured as he slowly opened the door further.
    Sadie didn’t take her eyes off the terrifying arachnid. ‘I doubt it.’ It looked like something from an ancient Roman arena.
    Once the door was almost all the way open and Sadie could no longer see the hairy critter she relaxed slightly. She looked at Kent, realising for the first time he was shirtless. His broad chest and flat abdomen, complete with a light smattering of hair that arrowed down behind the band of his low-slung jeans, filled her vision.
    It was truly a sight to behold.
    Why was it again she’d never been into buff men?
    For a moment she almost forgot she was being terrorised by a mutant spider.
    ‘Right,’ she whispered, dragging her gaze off his chest to the other terrifying object in the room. ‘I’m going to climb out of the bath and walk very slowly towards you. Once I’m safely out of the room you can do your he-man thing.’
    Kent wasn’t entirely sure he was ready for Sadie to come out from behind the curtain. But he sure as hell wanted to see the creature that had Little-Miss-Curves all het up.
    ‘Okay,’ he whispered dramatically back, her dirty look bouncing easily off his shoulders.
    Sadie quietly pushed back the curtain and gingerly stepped out of the bath. She could feel Kent’s gaze on her and couldn’t figure out which animal to keep her eye on the most.
    She gripped the towel more firmly to her body.
    Slowly she sidled along the wall furthest from the door, edged around the vanity basin where her toiletry bag sat. When she drew level with Kent she realised they were just one hotel towel and a pair of Levi’s from being naked. His bare, broad shoulders and his spare stubbled face filled her vision. He smelled of Twisties and beer.
    Who’d have ever thought that c ould be such a potent combination?
    ‘Thank you,’ she murmured as he fell back against the front of the door to allow her to squeeze past.
    And it was a squeeze. Her body brushed his as she slipped from the room and Kent felt the caress of towelling against his chest all the way down to his groin. For a moment he stood still and did nothing; the impact of her eyes, her mouth, her bare creamy shoulders and the damp tendrils of hair framing it all was temporarily paralysing.
    But he was aware of her watching him, her hands fidgeting while she waited for his he-man move, and his

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