Drowning in Her Eyes

Drowning in Her Eyes by Patrick Ford Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Drowning in Her Eyes by Patrick Ford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patrick Ford
especially Sarah, whose a t tachments to her beaus were beginning to look dangerous to her.
    Jimmy had to tell Bob Phillips what had happened and what he was proposing to do. Bob and the Directors were genuinely sympathetic, and offered him as much help as he needed. They gave him a generous severance payment. Ji m my had not been to his office since that fateful day at the hospital. Now he returned one last time to tidy up his affairs. Margaret greeted him, tears in her eyes. He told her of his plans, but admitted he was unsure of the overseas destin a tion.
    The Master Sergeant did not hesitate. “Australia, ” she said with some authority. “I was there during the war. It is a lovely place with a relaxed attitude to life. I saw some of their soldiers in New Guinea. They were the bravest men I ever saw, tough and self- reliant. They didn ’t like U . S . offi c ers much, though. ” Jimmy was sympathetic; he and the other seamen hadn ’t liked officers m uch either.
    A week or so later, he was invited by a friend to attend a Rotary Club dinner and was surprised to find two visiting Australian Rotarians there. They proved to be friendly and garrulous and Jimmy took a liking to them immediately. He asked abo ut where to go in Australia.
    â€œBrisbane, mate ; fair dinkum, it ’s the best city in the world. Best beer, too. ”
    â€œBloody oath, mate, ” said his compatriot . You can ’t go wrong with Brissie. ”
    Therefore, the Baker family — after a long last look at their country — entrained for San Diego to begin the adve n ture of their lives.
    * * * *
    There was activity on the wharf below. Captain Er n shaw looked down and saw a taxi come to a halt near the gangway. The cabbie began to haul a seemingly endless a r ray of lugg age on to the dock. He called to his Second O f ficer, “Peter, take a couple of our chaps down and help our guests embark. Smack it about now. ”
    The Second Officer departed at the double , and soon the passengers and their luggage were aboard. Ernshaw noticed the last to board was the father of the family. He paused at the head of the gangway and snapped a smart salute to the quarterdeck and the Red Ensign on the taffrail .
    Hmm , thought the Captain, an old seafarer for comp a ny. Should be jolly interesting .
    In the passenger accommodation, the Bakers sorted themselves into their allocated cabins. With eight cabins, there was room for all, and more to spare. Jimmy and Marci took the larger stateroom, while the three others each occ u pied a single berth. James Junior could not believe he had a separate bathroom. How wonderful it would be — no more trawling through the endless female clutter of powders, p o tions, lipsticks, hair dryers, curlers and other things , the pu r pose of which he could only imagine. A knock on the cabin door interrupted Jimmy and Marci. Jimmy opened it to a smart looking seaman.
    â€œ Beggin ’ yer pardon, sir. Skipper says oop to smokin ’ room for drinks afore dinner. ” Jimmy thanked him. On his last ship, it was Jimmy running such errands. How about that?
    The Captain was courtesy personified . He greeted his passengers and soon they were settled into comfortable chairs. Ernshaw looked at Jimmy. “You were a sailor? ”
    â€œYes sir , ” s aid Jimmy, “I spent most of the war on co n voy escort duty in the Atlantic. ”
    â€œBy Jove, ” said Ernshaw, “so did I. We must get toget h er and talk over old times. Now we must not bore the others with old war stories. Let me tell you about our voyage. We ’ll be stopping over in Hawaii, Fiji, and Auckland before we f i nally dock in Brisbane. It will take about eight weeks, so r e lax, and enjoy the cruise. You will have about three days shore time in each port while we load and provision. I b e lieve you have been ill, Mr. Baker. I hope the salt air will r e turn you to good health. Well, duty calls.

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