Drunk in Love 3: An Original Love Story

Drunk in Love 3: An Original Love Story by Tiece, Cole Hart Read Free Book Online

Book: Drunk in Love 3: An Original Love Story by Tiece, Cole Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiece, Cole Hart
Tags: United States, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Genre Fiction, Urban, African American
could believe what had happened and was still trying to wrap their minds around it.
    “So, how come no one is calling the police on Mark?” Zoe questioned.
    “When I spoke to Zay, he felt that it was best to just let it go. We could both tell that the man didn’t want this to happen. Luckily, no one got hurt to a point of no return.”
    “Yeah, he better be glad.” Zoe chimed in. “Or, his ass would be up shit creek without a paddle.” Dillon grinned at her comical comment. “I mean, that nigga shot at them while hitting Zay. That bullet could’ve killed him.”
    Dillon nodded his head, agreeing. Nobody wanted to hurt Mark more than he did at the moment, but he respected his brother’s wishes to not involve the law or to get his hands dirty.
    Zoe folded her arms as a sign of being irritated. “No telling where his ass is at. He could be somewhere lurking, ready to finish what he started.”
    “His ass better not be lurking if he knows what’s good for him. Plus, my homeboy that owns the club called me and said that one of the bouncers had picked up the gun off of the ground that Mark had. He even put it up for me.” Dillon assured her.
    “Well good, but I still think that his ass needs to be locked up for this.”
    “I can agree, but my brother feels that with this hanging over Mark’s head, it’ll be easier for Olivia to get out of their marriage and for her to be able to finally move on. I also feel the same way.”
    “She was already done with his ass prior to this. Now, she’s really over his grimy ass.” Zoe said while smacking her lips with a light roll of the eyes.
    Just thinking about what Felisha had told her pissed her off even more. How could he try some shit like this knowing what kind of secrets he’s hiding?
    “I just think he got some nerves. If my daddy finds out about this, he’s going to look for his ass.”
    Dillon smiled inside. He didn’t want Zoe to see it and think he was picking at her. But, she was so cute with a mean mug planted on her face rocking a feisty attitude.
     “You are a sassy lil something,” Dillon said walking up on her as she stood there with her arms still crossed.
    She smiled at just the sight of his presence in front of her. He leaned down and kissed her softly on the neck then whispered in her ear. “What did you tell me earlier?”
    Zoe leaned back a little to look at him as she hit him on the arm. “Are you trying to be funny?”
    “No,” he said with a light chuckle. “I know earlier that I was caught up in my emotions, but you could’ve been feeling bad for a brother. Maybe you wanted to make me feel better. Maybe you said it out of-”
    Zoe cut him off before he could say another word. “I love you. There, I said it.” Dillon’s eyebrows raised a little since he was acting like he was surprised. Yet, he already knew it. “Quit playing,” she grinned as he stood there in silence, but wearing a handsome smile across his face. He wanted to just relish in the sweet feeling for a moment. Just hearing her say the four letter word made him giddy like a school boy flirting with his crush. “Well, you haven’t said it back.”
    “That’s because I don’t feel the same way.” He teased followed by laughter making her grin a little. She couldn’t even act like she was pouting, because he was always playing with her making her laugh. “I’m just kidding. You know I love you with your feisty ass.” He admitted then they shared a passionate kiss.
    “We need to go to a local store like a Wal-Mart and find you something else to put on for now. You need to come out of these clothes.” She said frowning at the spots of blood on his shirt and jeans.
    “I was thinking the same thing. I’m just going to get a room for the night. I’m sure that Olivia will be staying with Zay. Plus, our parents will be here in the morning.”
    Zoe was surprised. “Your parent’s are on the way?”
    “Yeah, and Zay’s ex.”
    Zoe frowned. “Zay’s ex,

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