Drunk in Love 3: An Original Love Story

Drunk in Love 3: An Original Love Story by Tiece, Cole Hart Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Drunk in Love 3: An Original Love Story by Tiece, Cole Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiece, Cole Hart
Tags: United States, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Genre Fiction, Urban, African American
meaning his ex-girlfriend?” Dillon nodded his head with a blank expression. “Why would she be coming?”
    “It’s a story that I’d rather him tell.”
    “Well, I do think that my sister should have a heads up about her coming.” Zoe said with her lips tooted up.
    “I agree. Let’s go in here and tell them that we’re leaving for the rest of the night, too.” Zoe seemed hesitant. “Don’t worry; I won’t say anything about us. Not yet, anyway,” he added with a smile.
    Zoe followed Dillon inside of Zay’s room. He and Olivia were just talking with each other. He looked over towards the door. “What’s up, Bro? Zoe, are you alright now?”
    “Nothing much,” Dillon responded followed by Zoe’s response.
    “I’m much better,” she said with a soft smile. “Uh Sis, we’re gonna go ahead and leave. Dillon is going to take me to get my car.”
    “Yeah, plus I need to go by Wal-Mart, since it stays open 24 hours, and get me something to put on. Bro, I got your blood all over me.” He said to Zay while shaking his head.
    “I see,” Zay commented. “We’re blood brothers for sure now.”
    Dillon dryly grinned. “He is so corny. Don’t you think that he’s corny, Olivia?” He teased making Zay, Olivia, and Zoe laugh at his comment, too. “I’m just glad to see you doing well.” He added.
    “Me too,” Olivia chimed in with a smile as she looked over at Zay.
    “Thanks for being here.” Zay said feeling sleepy. “Aye, can you take this one with you, too. She also needs to change and pick up her car, but she refuses to leave.”
    “I’m not going anywhere.” Olivia quickly insisted. “I’ll leave in the morning once I’m sure you’re good.”
    “I am good,” Zay said.
    Olivia cleverly smirked. “No you’re not, because for the past ten minutes you’ve been complaining of pain in your side.”
    “I was shot, babe. Of course I’m gonna feel some pain.”
    “Just in case you can’t push the emergency button fast enough then I’ll be here to do it if something happens.” She insisted.
    Zay chuckled a little while holding his side. “You’re cute when you’re being all worried and stuff, but go change and get your car. Then come back.”
    “Nope, I’m not leaving.” She said.
    Dillon figured that he’d go ahead let them in on what was going on. “Well, I think you need to know that mom and dad will be here early in the morning.”
    Zay frowned. “You didn’t tell me that you’d called them.”
    “That’s because I didn’t. Angel called mom.” Dillon told him.
    “Angel,” Zay said with an unsure look of aggravation.
    Angel, Olivia thought while trying to hide the sour facial expression that desperately wanted to show.
    “How did she even know about this?” Zay quickly asked.
    “I don’t know. Mom said something about your name being mentioned during the incident. One of Angel’s former co-workers found out and called her or something like that.” Dillon nonchalantly answered. He definitely didn’t care for Angel and was hoping that Zay would finally cut her ass off.
    Olivia couldn’t take any more and so she cut in with her two cents. “Okay, so I understand that you’re known in your profession as a NFL sports agent, but what the hell type of work does she do that she can just get private information like that? We wanted to keep this as quiet as possible. AND, why in the hell is she so concerned about you?”
    “She’s not only concerned, but she’s heading this way, too.” Dillon added.
    “Well damn,” Zay blurted out still holding his side. Dillon was giving him too much information at the wrong time. And, Olivia was giving him a mean side eye as she stared at him.
    “Did you say that she was coming here?” Olivia asked as she looked from Dillon then back to Zay.
    “Uh yeah,” Dillon responded hating that he even had to break the news to them like that, but he wasn’t about to get any heat from Zoe later about not speaking up. “She called

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