Drunk in Love 3: An Original Love Story

Drunk in Love 3: An Original Love Story by Tiece, Cole Hart Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Drunk in Love 3: An Original Love Story by Tiece, Cole Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiece, Cole Hart
Tags: United States, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Genre Fiction, Urban, African American
my phone after she spoke with mom and I told her not to come here. I tried to tell her that you were fine, but she wouldn’t listen to me.” Stupid ass woman, Dillon quickly thought.
    “Why would she be coming here?” Olivia questioned Zay. “I knew that she’d show back up from hearing her that evening when we were on the phone, but you never spoke of anything else going on with y’all after that.”
    Zay looked over at Olivia. He wasn’t in the mood for being questioned about no one; especially after he’d just gotten shot by her husband.
    “I think this is our cue.” Dillon said as he looked back at Zoe who hadn’t said anything about nothing, because she’d already figured that this wasn’t going to play out very well.
    “Were you and her still fucking around or something? I mean, she’s taking a three hour ride to make sure that you’re good.”
    “We can talk about this later.” Zay said, still holding his side. “I don’t wanna discuss this right now.” He pressed the nurses call button.
    “Yes,” the nurse answered.
    “Would you please bring me some more pain medicine?” He said, touching his head like he could feel a headache coming on from him and Olivia’s almost heated confrontation.
    “You know what? I will take that ride after all.” Olivia said as she got up to leave.
    Zay knew that she was pissed, but he wasn’t in the mood for that. “Aye Bro,” he called out. “Make sure you keep her close to you.”
    Olivia looked back at Zay with an unpleasant look on her face. “I don’t need a babysitter.” She quickly told him.
    “I got you, Bro.” Dillon said just wanting Olivia to leave the bickering alone so his brother could get a little rest. One thing for sure was that he was going to need it to deal with Angel when she made it there.
    Zay didn’t say a word as he looked from her to Dillon. What was understood didn’t have to be explained. Dillon nodded his head. “We’ll be back in the morning,” he said as they headed out of the room. “Tell mom to call me when she makes it here.”
    “Okay,” Zay said, and then laid back and smiled upon seeing the nurse come in. He was indeed starting to hurt for some reason and just wanted to take something for it. Hopefully, it would make him doze off and when he’d awake this will have all just been a bad dream.
    Later on, Olivia sat in the car feeling some type of way that Zay’s ex was coming to the hospital to see him at any time now. She hated knowing that once things were clear that it was over with her and Mark, now her happily ever after with Zay may not be. She’d been so caught up with what was going on in her relationship that she didn’t even ask him about Angel. She didn’t even let on that she knew about Angel showing up to his door. Even though it had crossed her mind, it was never the perfect timing to talk about it. It was probably because she was caught up in talking about her own problems that she’d had with her husband and her ex-bestie, Felisha.
    “Damn, if something was going on though I would’ve thought he’d talk about it. I shouldn’t have had to ask.” She said just above a whisper as she sat in the car waiting for Zoe and Dillon to come out of Wal-Mart. She sat there thinking about calling him, but then she noticed his phone still on the charger, sitting in the cup holder between the two front seats. “Damn,” she said with a disappointing shake of the head. She nervously passed her phone back and forth from one hand to the other. Her emotions were all over the place with all sorts of thoughts.
    “What’s taking Dillon and Zoe so long to come out of Wal-Mart?” She impatiently pondered. “I should’ve gotten him to take me to get my car first.” As she rambled on about everything that came to mind, her phone rang and to her surprise it was actually Felisha. She contemplated answering the phone, but then decided to give Felisha a piece of her mind.
    “Why the fuck are you

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